Base temps


Steven Hubbard

TVWBB Member
Just curious what temps you expect in the lid with all bottom vents CLOSED and the top open. This is with a 7lb butt on the top rack and no water in the pan.

My WSM took a hit in a storm and the vents never worked again. I just replaced them but the bowl is not true any more so they don't seal tight. As such, I did a cook today expecting to hold this butt at 285F, but I couldn't get the temp under 325F (in full sun today).

I expect a full water pan would have kept the temperature down, but do you know about what temp you would run using the conditions above? Just want to know if I have to replace that bowl.

Food came out great by the way. This is not a big issue since I do a lot of high-heat cooks. But I just want to know. Thanks.
Well, on mine, with all bottom vents closed and the top open, the fire will die, so the temps will fall.

Not being able to see the actual damage or what corrective action would be needed, if going back to water doesn't keep temps down, it looks like you might need a new bowl.
If Your bowl is out of round and the bottom vents are stuck you are drawing air through the damaged seal.I would say try closing the top vents by half and wait to see if your temp drops.With temps as high as your getting your are drawing fr somewhere. Do you have a fast burn rate?
The vents turn, they just don't sit flush against the bowl. This is likely where the air is coming.

Burn is not that fast. I started yesterday with a full ring of briqs and lit 25 coals. Ring was still nearly full after a 6 hour cook at 325F.

I've done cooks for years with all 3 bottom vents closed. Used to be able to hold 225 like that for hours. Your fire goes out when you close them? That's a big difference!

Thanks for the replies so far. I'll try some water in the bowl to see what I can do. Not hard to replace the bowl of course if needed.
You can probably adjust the out of round yourself, then drill out the bottom vent rivets from the inside. Reshape the vents by massaging them with your hand until they fit the bowl shape. Get you some 1/4" or 7mm s/s bolts and nuts with lock washers to reinstall.
I had the same problem with a couple of my vents
not sitting flush. I flipped the bowl over onto a rubber mat, and using a short piece of 2-1/2" PVC pipe and a rubber mallet, I gently reshaped the vents for a better seal. A small empty soup can should work also.

PVC pipe . . . good idea. I've taken most of the dents out of the bowl, so I need something soft to avoid re-denting it when I true the vents.

