Barbecue Season?

Being in Florida I don't know what this "Seasons" is you talk about. We have 'hot' and 'kinda hot' down here. I don't even own a pair of pants, shorts year round!
I get breaks at xmas, easter, summer and other odd days like election day. So when I'm home alone and can spend the day cooking, I do it.

Weather is never a problem, however, during monday's cook, it was 88* and intense sun. I had a hard time getting the wsm below 275* with all the vents closed. I contemplated putting up an umbrella to see if it was the sun.
I too grill/bbq all year long, but I prefer to do it in the fall/winter. You get a nice fire going in the outdoor fireplace and sit around it drinking beer while the wsm does its thing. Don't have to worry about the beer getting warm either.
All year long, but, because I don't want to go through the trouble of digging out a WSM, I use the BGE on our deck during the winter, or, for thanksgiving, the Great Outdoors vertical gasser
Yea, can't wait for the cooler whether and some good smoked meat

Pic from Turkey Day last year after a few beers (that's why a lil blurry).
Turned out great though!
In my neck of the woods, its a very short season - January till end December most years.

"If its chillin', I'm still grillin'"
well im one of those that grill the whole year around,but main is may-september. In November to april we have snow here. but hey you can se me grilling/smoking in all weater i hope.

The time will prove me wrong

