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Rob O

Just discovered an interesting fact. They don't call these things bullets for nothing.

I was adding water a few moments ago when suddenly out of nowhere there was a loud pPOP!"

When I opened my eyes the lid was blown half way off the cooker and there was ash all over the place.

Turns out I knocked the water pan off its footings and dumped the water onto the hot coals. STEAM CANNON YEE HA!

Nevemind. Basted the brisket. Refuled the ring and pressing on.
Sand, me boyo, sand.

Hope you were not hurt. and Secondly...ashe all over but will meat survive and be edible.

** Keith shaking 'is 'ead ** << 'e was just speakin' to Bren in Dooblin.
Rob count your blessings it could've been pretty ugly! Sorry to hear about your misfortune, glad to hear you are okay.

BTW, I just switched to sand and love it. You might want to give it a try.
Thanks. I'm fine. Another lesson learned. I'm definitely going to sand.

Probably going to need to finish this brisket up in the oven. Meat's down to 158 from 160. Need to serve five hours from now.
Thank heavens. Good luck. On the bright side, the smoke has done its magic...Get it in the oven at bout 250°-275° with probe therm and continue as if nothing ever happened.
Yep. I'm still optimistic.

Meat temp is back up to 161 now.

So what sauce would everyone suggest to go with a nice light coating of ash?

Good to here you were not hurt. I would also recommend sand in the water pan. I switched over two years ago and never looked back.

It's gonna hang out in the 160s for a long time (if you're lucky! cuz that's when it tenderizes itself), so I'd say keep WSMing it for the next few hours and then use 1/2 hour or so foiled and in the oven if you need to take it to a higher temp (say 185 if yer gonna slice it, and if it feels tender then) and then rest it, still foiled, in a cooler for an hour. You'll have yourself a lovely brisket!
Thanks Susan but it's too late now.

I foiled and put in the oven about 30 minutes ago when it was at 166. At this moment I'm running at 168.

I'm not stressing about this. What happens happens.

Oh.. BTW. It registered 163 6 hours ago. So I guess I've been lucky twice today.
STEAM CANNON YEE HA! you have to love his sense of humor. Glad your ok. I think I might try this sand option as well. Do you cover the sand with foil?
Don't give up on water! Just bag the Weber water dish and replace it with the Brinkmann charcoal pan. It fits the tabs in the center section about ninety times better than the Weber one, won't fall and holds twice as much water.

Listening to the Mount St. Helens eruption report and reading the WSM blow ... kinda draws an eerie line.

Glad no one was hurt. I, too, have not graduated yet to sand. Something about the water mass draws my heart over the sand. Pro'ly just too dag'on ol' to learn a new trick.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Watson:
STEAM CANNON YEE HA! you have to love his sense of humor. Glad your ok. I think I might try this sand option as well. Do you cover the sand with foil? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Joe: Yes, my arrangement is <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Foil bottom of water pan (keeps it clean)<LI>Sand in pan (leaving it about 3/4 inch below lip of pan)<LI>Double foil over top of sand and UP over the lip (allows depression for drippings to collect in.)<LI>Change top foil every cook and bottom foil as deemed necessary.[/list]
Search the BB for either [ sand foil ] or [ water pan sand]. There is more here than you really wanted to know. Also one of the religious declinations on the BB.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ROB O:
Turns out I knocked the water pan off its footings and dumped the water onto the hot coals. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Makes more sense now. In the other thread it seemed like you were only pouring water into the pan with a wine bottle and then boom!
Hi Doug,

Thanks for answering.

Actually, after thinking things through, I don't believe I did knock the pan off the footings. I believe it's more likely the explosion shook it off.

I say this for 2 reasons:

1. I was adding the water with a long necked wine bottle.

2. The side of the pan that fell into the coals was the side farthest away from me.

In order for the far side of the pan to fall off of the footing I would have had to pull the pan toward me.

This doesn't seem likely since I was still in the process of adding water from the wine bottle when the explosion occurred.

It seems more likely to me that the water flashed to steam since I was adding nearly boiling water to a very hot pan.

What do you think?
If I covered a butt with ash, I'd probably rinse it in hot water and get it back in the cooker. If it was early in the cook, I'd probably re-apply some rub paste somehow.

I'm imagining that the ash would rinse off but it wouldn't hurt the bark much, if at all.

What do the veterans think of that idea?

Thanks, Doug
Well, I think the key here is.. "magnum sized wine bottle (1.75 litre)" ...What kind of wine was it?

*Don't drink and pour*
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