Bacon started

Put four hunks of pork belly up to cure today. Total of about 12 lbs. Used Ruhlman's basic cure with a sprinkle of maple sugar, some pepper and two crushed garlic cloves in each of two X-large ziplocs. Intention is some Xmas gifties. Will report.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Michael G. (Canada Mike):
Once they're done, I'm going to cut them in about 1 lb pieces and vacuum pack them. Then I'll put a red ribbon around them. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Do you have my correct address?
Please don't forget to post pics!
I started a small slab on sunday night (first time) after I trimmed it a bit it is probaby around 2 pounds.

how are you going to smoke it? I'd hate to go through all this wait then mess it up smoking it! I know you do it at 200 to an internal temp of 150.

1. about how long do you think that will take? Ill be doing the smoking on a weeknight possibly unless the cure feels done by saturday morning. (to smoke sunday)

2. how much charcoal (no water in the pan)

Im nervous im just going to cook the thing and render the fat!


Smoking it doesn't take too long, maybe 2-3 hours over low heat. You just need to keep a close eye on the dome temperature so it doesn't get too hot, and start with a cold slab of bacon.
I usually use 6-8 briquettes in the wsm and finish off the bacon in the oven if needed. The risk of rendering the fat is low.
You just want it to get to 150, so a few hours is right. The trick is keeping the emp down to about 200. Also, don't forget to let it sit in the air in the fridge to develop the skin, and before that wash it well. Once you take it off the heat it's pretty easy to slice the rind off.
Thanks Mike, sorry to hijack the thread, but you know your stuff. One last question I went to rinse off my slab last night to let it sit overnight and it was not as firm in some places as others.

Im wondering if its good to smoke yet.

I filpped it everyday instead of every other day.

Buuuuuut I had the butcher take the rind off

sunday night was the 7th day.


Thanks to everyone for all the help.
I always dry salt the belly before I make bacon, and three days are enough. So if your rind has been salted for 7 days, you're ready to smoke for sure.
OK, so here's some pre-smoking pics:


and, of course, the pitmaster who simply cold not understand why I need to smoke perfectly good pork belly.

Well, it's done. I started my fire with an almost full Weber bucket, and poured it on top of a bunch of sugar maple. It first went too high - 260, so I let it calm down, and at about 215 put the four bellies on. It settled down to close to 200 just fine, but the meat never got above 137, though once it said 142 and dropped?? So, I had added some hickory chips to see if i could get the temp back up, but that didn't work, though maybe now I can call it double-smoked.

In any case, I decided to finish it in a 400 oven, and after a half hour or so it was done. Looks good and tastes great.


Looks really good Mike!
Just remember your opening statement:
"Intention is some Xmas gifties."
Save some for gifties

