B1G Beef Back Ribs


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
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Marinated over night in Stubb's Beef Marinade and black coffee enhanced with Lone Star rub.

...and more Lone Star rub on them just before hittin' the hot grates.

Pecan and hickory wood for smoke, Stubb's charcoal for heat....

Covered and clingin' to a 250ºF temp inside...

With today's sunny skies and out of the strong winds, ? ? we'll ? use ? this ? ? tomorrow

more later......
Believe me, I'm sticking around. Was that Robert Earl Keen I heard in the background? Beef ribs are looking good...
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Was that Robert Earl Keen I heard </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
you're GOOD!
Im sticking around for this cook. Jim you keep doing these videos you will be on the food network or the cooking channel soon. I have learned so much just watching your cooks. I thank you. by the way what kind of dial thermometer are you using?
Thanks folks
we'll finish this now...
Keith, the therm i use is a Tel-Tru i bought off eBay a coupla years ago... forget the model #
These are about 2 hours in...

...and just about done.



...sliced and served...

...with oven fried quartered Yukons and roasted cauliflower.


lousy photographs. too much white or too bright.

and the colour is crummy and blurry.
Butt the ribs were good. Cooked for over 4.5 hours at pretty much 250º throughout...
did dip to 200 after two hours then reloaded with more lit Stubb's charcoal.

That's it, thanks for hangin' around.
Tomorrow, something completely different, something I've never had or made before.
See ya then.
Enjoy your new week!
Great looking cook Jim! The photos only tell part of the story, the finished product is what counts and that definitely is a tasty looking meal! Looking forward to your "different" cook tomorrow! Hope your week goes great!
Great looking Ribs. Also, can't help but notice that bottle of New Glarus beer. Living in one of the 49 other states that unfortunately does not get those great brews. I am quite jealous as I only get to sample New Glarus once a year in Colorado at the GABF.
I'm impressed that you are wearing shorts and short sleeved shirt with snow on the ground.
Great pics again Jim.Thanks.
Another killer big beef rib cook Jim!
It's nice to see <span class="ev_code_RED">BadgerRed</span> back in action!

Shorts in January? You animal you!

Can't wait to see what today's cook will be!
Monster beef ribs! Wow, wish I could find some like that. Beautiful meal.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Tomorrow, something completely different, something I've never had or made before. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I'll be back to check it out...
Jim, one question...you promised samples but I didn't get mine, is it in the mail?

In all seriousness, have you ever thought of doing YouTube videos on bbq'ing? I know I'd watch them!
Very Kind Words, thank you all, very much appreciated!
Jason, New Glarus has some great tasting brews, my latest favourite is the Two Women. And found everywhere here. Even better on tap.
And it wasn't too cold outside for shorts and scrubs, butt i had the inside of the house so fricken warm from the wood stove, i actually opened two doors to let some fresh air in.
Yeah Stuart, your's sent FEDx, look for it
and i SUCK at these videoes

Thanks again for all those nice comments
Jim, Jim, Jim....I'm new to these woods. I like all your posts and vids/photos. I am super interested in your bbq shelter. Do you have any plans for that shelter? I am planning on building one in the spring. Would love some plans if you can. Thanks. Keep Grillin'
thanks mick! and welcome to the forum!
actually, no plans... hired a guy, drew an idea of what i wanted, and he went at it.
i just told him the size i wanted and an extra high roof.

