Dave Russell
TVWBB Honor Circle
Just wondering if any of you folks have ever tried these briquettes? I used most of this 17.something lb. bag from Academy Sports to smoke a 10.6 lb pork butt on a rather cold and windy night recently.

Here's what was left after smoking the butt for 16.25 hours on my 18" wsm with a foiled pan and my PartyQ ATC:

Pretty impressive, huh? $10 a bag at Academy Sports, if I recall. I'm sure the stuff lasts as long as any fuel I've ever used, but I should point out that it didn't burn as clean as I'd liked. Also, I got a pretty nasty temp spike after quickly checking the butt the first time. Still, the pork was pretty dang good.

I still prefer lump, but for big butts and less than perfect conditions, this stuff or Stubbs are good options to consider. Anyone else used B&B oak briqs?

Here's what was left after smoking the butt for 16.25 hours on my 18" wsm with a foiled pan and my PartyQ ATC:

Pretty impressive, huh? $10 a bag at Academy Sports, if I recall. I'm sure the stuff lasts as long as any fuel I've ever used, but I should point out that it didn't burn as clean as I'd liked. Also, I got a pretty nasty temp spike after quickly checking the butt the first time. Still, the pork was pretty dang good.

I still prefer lump, but for big butts and less than perfect conditions, this stuff or Stubbs are good options to consider. Anyone else used B&B oak briqs?