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OOOOOH sweet... i couldnt see your first pics ..but those of the meats....NIIIICE......and i dont know if it was in this thread cuz im not rereading again....but i never use sugar in my rubs....hehe in my rubs.. like i have been doing this for years....but i dont eat i dont use it.. and it tastes great.. thanks for the pics.....and let me know when you cook some kosher briskets ill be right over...hehe
The results: Spectacular!!

All the neighbors and friends and family loved the butts and briskets. Actually ran out of the briskets due to the fact that my wife pilfered one out of the cooler and , between her and my two girls, ate 3/4 of one!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif!!

At any rate, I've included a link to view all the pre-pull, pulled, sandwiches and various party people in their natural habitat type pics!! ENOJY...WE DID!!

And again, if any of you make it to Cleveland let me know! The Q is on me!!
Well if i ever make it to clevland... you bet i coming by... got a question for ya though...first that brisket looks really nice... i dont want any secrets. im just curious how ya get that i dont use any sugar so all i have is just the spices.. do you put a sauce on it while cookin or is that what sugar does to the brisket.. i wouldnt konw cuz i never cooked with it...anwyas.. if you can tell me please do.. if not ill have to wait till i come there....your pics were nice...that was a lot of pork but.. a whole crockpot full...hey do you konw what we use our crockpots for..???????? just about every jewish home has one....????ill keep you in suspence.....

Well done Greg! Those pics are awesome. Looks like the cook was a success. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Rath *Marks Clevland down on his places to visit list*
Mords, I shall relinquish 1 secret for cousin is a pro bbq caterer, his advise to me when doing butts and brisket is to spray them(w/ a spray bottle) with a mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts veggie oil. I start spraying after 12hrs and continue to spray every hour or so after the threshold is passed. Make sure to shake the bottle well after 2-3 sprays to keep it mixed up nice!! Now, give up that crockpot secret /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif!!

Again, if you're in the hood let me know...Mords, lots of great kosher butchers in Cleveland and I have "connections" so price isn't too much of an issue!

Thanks for hangin' in there over the last 30hrs guys...this site has some of the greatest people I've never met! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Question: Briskets--how do you cut them up when they are done?
Thanks ol' buddy!!!!! thanks for the tip i will definitally try that out....i mean i was thinkin gabout my brisket and then looking at your and wow what a diff.. i will try it next time....thanks and yes your right i forgot there is alarge jewish pop in your neck of the town....can wait for the road try this link.. (dont konw how to do the fancy blue thing...)

try that link and go to ...beans barley and meat......This is what we eat just a bout every shabbos.. which is every sat......hey i guess i really have been slow cooking for years and didnt even know it...mmm.......
its reall good...try it with a brisket samich
i guess the link thing did work after all... its automatic...aaaaaaaaaahhh!....also just to add a lil more facts.. we also put some kishke in it as well.. check out the links on that page as well.. and to top it off... marraw bones...the butcher just cuts up a leg and you put some pieces of it in the cholent....mmm...
and once agian.. thanks for the tip...hopefully ill be back on my feet soon and ill give it a shot.....take care
how did i miss that usually baked in a crock pot.. or slow cooker... and how did i miss that recipe with the brisket.....
dont foreget the kishke or the marrow bones.. its clutch to a great chulont

I went to the link you described...beans barley and meat, went to the address bar and copied (highlight and Crtl-C) the URL for the recipe.

Then in your BB entry form with little happy face button, etc. Select URL, paste the URL you just copied into the URL box (Ctrl - V) and descriptor and click OK. Like this ....Cholent.

Sorry I got diverted momentarily. Like the spritz (vinegar and oil) idea. I just used one on rib this weekend (apple juice and JD) modified from someone's using Gentleman Jack and some fancy-shmancy apple juice (mine is definitely lower budget).
Ok here it goes..........Here it goes

does look right quit yet.. but ill send and see...

Boy you guys are really great on this list.. im learning so much.. BBQ stuff and other.... and part of another list and let me tell you.. this one rock big time!!!
First , Mords, God bless , hope you do great.

Greg, AWSOME MAN! Thanks for all the pics. Looks like you all had a blast.

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