Australian Smokey Joe Mini

Hi all I have wanted now for a long time to convert my smokey joe to a mini wsm, BUTTTTTT You can not find a suitable pot here in ozz, unless some one else knows please let me now,
So the only thing I can think off is to have a cylinder fabricated by a local welding shop, is this a good Idea? If it is what is the best hight for my cylinder, seeing I can make it as big or small as I want, I really just want to make it a family of 4 cooker, cook a small roast a chicken just make more room for that piece of meat under the hood, any suggestions or help very much appreciated
Gday Mick
Yes I know your frustration
Should link you to a few pics
I basically used an oversized pot from BCF and used the lid riveted on the bottom to make it stable on the base.
Then I used strips of aluminium riveted inside the top to bring it back to size. All tricks that I found here.
You'll find out these a lot of fun to make and cook with
Regards dave
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Hi Michael,
as there is not too much call in OZ for tamale pots, and even in the USA their pots are not fitting, what you are asking for is not easy.
I did import two pots from the USA, which was still much more cost effective than buying a WSM from Weber Australia.
The minis are brilliant, we are very happy with the results.
There is supposed to be a pot imported to OZ called a Sonnet No. 8(?) from Pakistan that fits a WSJ, and if you can get any sense out of the importer in WA, PLEASE let me know.
I have tried.
Good luck.
My local welding shop is going to fabricate a steel tube for me $60 dollars labor and cost of materials going to be the best option and I can make the hight of the cylinder to my specifications
There is supposed to be a pot imported to OZ called a Sonnet No. 8(?) from Pakistan that fits a WSJ, and if you can get any sense out of the importer in WA, PLEASE let me know.

I found the manufacturer:
But there isn't one that's quite as tall as the US options. There are a few pots around the 29-33cm diameter mark, but they're at best around 20-23Lt in volume. The 28Lt option is about 40cm across.. much too wide for the mini.

There are a couple of 45cm and 50cm pots, which would match a 18" or 22" setup, like a JumboJoe(18") or an Old Smokey Grill (also 14/18/22")

They appear to have a wholesaler in Melbourne too, though it looks like the business is run out of a block of flats.

I'm just starting to price up the parts and source the pot.
I found the manufacturer:
But there isn't one that's quite as tall as the US options. There are a few pots around the 29-33cm diameter mark, but they're at best around 20-23Lt in volume. The 28Lt option is about 40cm across.. much too wide for the mini.

There are a couple of 45cm and 50cm pots, which would match a 18" or 22" setup, like a JumboJoe(18") or an Old Smokey Grill (also 14/18/22")

They appear to have a wholesaler in Melbourne too, though it looks like the business is run out of a block of flats.

I'm just starting to price up the parts and source the pot.

Hi Bryan,

thank you for jogging my memory.

You are absolutly correct, it is Sonex, (not Sonnet!) and it is a No.6 pot (Not a number 8!)

The No.6 pot in the Metal Finish, Traditional Set, is supposed to be 28Ltr, 35cm diameter, 30cm high, so it should fit a Smokey Jo.

When I tried to contact the importer in Perth, it was like a Monty Python Cheese Shop sketch.

I am fascinated to see how you get on.
Hi guys

I'm in the UK, so am no help whatsoever in sourcing you a pot. But, just to say, if you do manage to find yourself a Sonex #6, they're a perfect fit.
Took me years to construct my mini (same problem as you - tamale pots aren't exactly a thing in South Wales!).

I also just wanted to reassure you that the #6's slightly vertically-challenged nature compared to US pots has been no hindrance in my experience! My mini is going on two-years old now and has been a brilliant little thing. It's worth persisting in finding that elusive pot, it pays off in the end...

Good luck!

