at what temp. do you pull your smoked butt?

I have a boston butt in my smoker right now. I have my own internal temp. preference for it being done which i won't reveal now but i will later.

What i want to know is at what internal temp. do YOU pull your smoked boston butt?

I see guys saying the take it out from anywhere from 180 - 225. That"s a pretty wide spread, too wide if you ask me.

So at what temp. do you take your butt out of your smoker and why that particular temp.?

I haven't temped a butt in quite a while.
I go by time at a certain temp and probe for tenderness usually at a set time, depending on the weather.:wsm:

My apologies to everyone. The science behind bbq has been one of my interests ever since taking Harry Soo's class. Even taught it for CBBQA's advanced judging classes earlier this year.

Often go overboard when one hangs their hat on bbq being 'done' at a repeatable temperature. Rich... Thanks. Totally forgot that aspect of the process !

I agree with Bob. Each animal as well as each cut is different which likewise makes each cook different. That's one of the things I love about BBQ. I too, like the science behind cooking and BBQ and loved you reply Bob. Thank you.

