Asian Coleslaw


Trevor Wilson

TVWBB Member
Here's one that my wife has made popular in my small circles. It started as a topping for Asian wraps (teriyaki chicken+slaw in a tortilla), but turned into my favorite BBQ accompaniment.

Asian coleslaw

3 Tbl Rice Wine Vinegar
3 Tbl honey
1 Tbl Soy Sauce
.5 tsp dry ground ginger
1 garlic clove, pressed
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 C Mayonnaise

Mix ingredients together until smooth. Can be made 2-3 days ahead.

.5 C toasted slivered almonds
2 bunches green onions sliced
1 C chopped fresh cilantro
4 oz. julienned snow peas (julienned=cut like matchsticks)
2 - 16oz packages of coleslaw mix

Mix salad ingredients together up to 24 hours ahead.

When ready to serve, toss dressing in salad and serve.

The only problem with this recipe is the name. Not that the name doesn't accurately describe the's just that no BBQ guru would intuitively think Asian slaw and Q are a natural mix. But trust me - this is a winner. Works particularly great with N. Carolina Pulled Pork. Can't wait to have some on SAT. (5/23/09) for SMOKE DAY!

