Anyone used "Coshell" briquettes?


Dave Russell

TVWBB Honor Circle
Well, this is the first time I've tried them, and I'm hoping that the long burn claims are true for my WINDY double 9lb butt cook today. My wife ordered a couple bags as an online Groupon deal, but the only thing I know so far is that maybe a gym was using them as 9lb medicine balls or something. I bet I had 3/4lb of charcoal dust and pieces in the bottom of the 9lb. bag I poured in the bottom of my 18.5 wsm 2-ish this morning. I didn't get near as good a deal as I thought...

So on top of the significantly less than 9lbs of Coshell, and my bottom three chunks of shaggy bark hickory, I packed RO lump in tight and heaped up high minus a middle depression, with three more chunks of hickory mixed in around the edges. After that, a 2/3 chimney of fully engaged K Comp dumped in the middle before adding hot water to the pan and both big 9lb pork butts, one to each grate.

We'll see how it goes on fuel consumption, but the wind has been really bad and my folding table is pretty lame as a windbreak. Believe it or not, I left both top vents and all bottom vents 100% for the first 1:45! By the way, almost instantly I got about 7* more when I put my soup cans over the top vents....and I got 7 or 8 more degrees after I finally remembered to wrap an old acrylic blanket around the top of the dome. (I think a storm blew my 55 gallon plastic drum windbreak away. :( )

I'll post back on how much unlit I have to toss through the door. But so far, so good, and dejavu...since I'm measuring grate temp I can already tell that these butts will be done with time to spare. My probe tip is between the top rack pork butt and the cooker wall, but inside the edge of the water pan. I believe I let the temp get up to about 248* before cutting the vents back, and I've been cooking in the 230-245* range ever since. The top pork butt is already at 174*, so I think 235* tops is the plan for the rest of the day. I wish I wouldn't have woke up a hour earlier than the alarm I had set for three!

Ya'll have a good'un! Think I'll try to get a nap.
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i use it sparingly and i really like it. your first time use of it is rather unfair. wind cold etc. try testing it the same as you do with others at the same time.
little ash, smells good and to me a much better burn pattern. i mostly use it foe when i'm cooking for the wife as she likes it.
George, I've been saving the Coshell briqs for such a time, as I figured there was something to the long burn claims. Turns out they do in fact burn long, and I only had to add one camp shovel of unlit lump after stirring the coals at the 14hr mark, just to be on the safe side. Both butts ended up really good, and the bark was exceptional, since I nailed the timing and didn't have to wrap in foil and hold hot.

