Anyone use a pig tail?

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Jim Babek

Ive been seeing these on several cooking shows and was wondering if anyone uses or has used one. I know everyone adversion to poking foods but you always see the old time Q'ers using forks and pig tails...besides it just looks cool to use.
I saw the ad a few years ago in a cooking magazine and I thought, "Cool. Gotta have me one of those." Came in a nice wood box with two tools of different size. Tried it once, seemed totally impractical and clumsy to me, and they're sitting somewhere in the recesses of my cabinet, undoubtedly next to something else I probably bought off an infomerical.

IMHO tongs are a much better, cheaper tool.
I use one. It's pretty good, the only problem I have had is that to get it hooked, sometimes you have to turn it around. I don't have enough room in my gas grill with a top rack to hook it.
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