Anyone have a child that needs a Science Project?


Rich Langer

Reading the threads here gave me the idea for a science project - The optimal amount and species of wood to be used to impart smoke flavor to Ribs (or chicken, or pork or .....)

Haven't we all worked on that? the kid can use the family as the judging panel and Dad can spend quality time with his child teaching him to Q

Depending on the level of sophistication, the rub can be help constant or also varied. Its up to you and your child
"Anyone have a child that needs a Science Project?" That's pretty much what I thought last summer when it rained on my WSM and I didn't get around to cleaning it out for a few days. There must have been at least a pound of mold growing inside it (lots of festive colors, too).
Now thats funny Larry.

I have had science projects growing in mine before also. I can say that since I switched to the piedmont pan I haven't had that problem. I remember someone saying that it is the water in the pan that causes the mold.
Yes, the water can be a problem. In my case, it rained on the WSM, the water ran down inside and pooled in the bottom. Now I make sure to at least take out the dirty cooking grates and put the cover on as soon as it's cool enough.

