Anyone growing herbs?

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Sonny Jordan

TVWBB Super Fan
Thinking about starting a little herb farm. More like a herb patch.

Thinking about rosemary and basil. Any other suggestions?

Pork Eat World
We usually grow a couple of types of basil (cinammon, licorice, Italian), oregano, rosemary, thyme, and some tarragon. At least ofr cooking purposes.

Right now we also have a pot of lemon balm growing on the deck, but our AWS likes to whiz in it!
I did the basil thing for a few years, it was very easy. The more you trim the stems, the more the plant bushes out and produces leaves.

This year I'm trying my luck with peppers: Jalapenos, Long red slim chiles, anchos, and poblanos. It's going to be a warm fall/winter.

Dill, cilantro, oregano, basil, and parsley are easy. Try for a couple of pepper plants. It is very easy to grow a lot of food in a small space. It does take some plannning and effort. Look for the square foot gardening website.

I have been growing herbs for years-unsuccessfully! I could never figure out what I was doing wrong. This year I went through the same routine and bought my plants and while I was doing the purchase I happened to tell an old nursery person about my lack of success. She said "quit foolin' with them and let them do their thing" Most of them grow best without too much water and lots of sun. I guess they are lot like weeds. Anyway, this has been my best crop-everything from chives to tarragon, basil, rosemary, thyme, mint, parsley, lemon grass, oregano and more. I never fertilized them, never watered them, and generaly neglected them - go figure! (and yes Go Vols!) /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Celery(technically I suppose not an herb, but we use the seeds also), cilantro(plus the bonus corriander when it goes to seed), rosemary, parsley(two types),peppermint, and thai, poblano, jalapeno, Anaheim and sweet banana peppers. We have had an exceptionally warm summer here so many things that normally don't well are doing great this year.
I have successfully grown herbs (from seeds) in my condo. Everything works well cilantro, basil, lemongrass, tarragon, chives, etc. The best advice is to always start in a much larger pot than you think you will need, the more room they have to grow, the bigger they will get. Also by keeping them in pots you can enjoy them all year round. I usually start seeds indoors in early spring and move them to the porch for the warmer months and then back inside for fall and winter
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