anyone ever try a sweeper mod for SJ or JJ?

George! I was counting on you for ideas! Hear is my situation...I love using the SJ and I reuse coals a lot. Chips fall thru the grate, and combine with ash to clog the intakes. It's not a big deal...but would be great to have something that I could use to dislodge the chips and thus let the ash fall trhu easily. I'm thinking something like a long hinch pin - as you might see at bottom of a spreader (fertilizer, seed, etc). Anyway...maybe I'm all alone one this one!
What about doing what the people that have done when they build a mini wsm (using a smokey joe silver) Put a tuna can with a line of holes around the side - upside down over the vent.
i have a piece of wire bent to an L at the end to clear things. and yes, the can trick might be better.
that being said, i see no reason to rig up something if you so choose. wouldn't be able to use the
weber setup though so gotta rig up yer own sweepers. get a big bolt to use, some rod and it should work.
A sweeper system would be a nice feature on the little guys. The system looks fairly easy to make. I wonder if a system for a larger grill could be modified. Any sheet metal artisans among us?
Hey George - I haven't been able to think about it much last few days. I'm also not the handiest person in the world and frankly, I'm more of a copier than an originator!! I'll continue to investigate, though. I've been working my way through the SJ Mini Smoker threads...not specifically for a sweeper mod, but just to put my mind on the right track in terms of creativity, etc. I suppose, in theory, and 18.5 sweeper could be a template for a SJ sweeper - certainly for a jumbo joe.
the only thing is a clarification on what you actually need and want done. if you want it to actually function as a one touch then
i see the need not justifying the labor. if you want something just to clear the 4 holes then it might be doable.
George - just to keep the holes clear or clear them on occasion during a longer cook - I'm not thinking long as in one cook, but cooking for an extended period at a tailgater or something. The tuna can / puppy bowl seems like a good place to start and might be all I need to do. I do think a carriage bolt type assembly with some type of small fins - perhaps just snipped from some sheet metal - might do the trick. I'm just thinking aloud....
I haven't made one, but have thought on occasion to just have two SJ's ready, and lift the pot assembly from one with the fuel spent to a different one that you just started a new fire on.
Thinking out loud here, but would some type of metal cage (perhaps expanded metal), with a 1" inch buffer all around, placed on top of and around a tuna can or strainer do the job? Thinking that it would prevent the pores of the inner filter from getting clogged. I haven't used a SJ yet, so just shooting from the hip here.

