Anyone ever heard of Frountier Lump?


Jeff T Miller

TVWBB All-Star
I was in Meijer today and did a tour through the grill/bbq area. They had a nice selection. I got the charcoal and started looking for lump. They had the kingsford then I noticed the frountier. Last year they had RO lump but I didn't see any of that. I hope this frountier is at least as good as royal oak. I was buying that last year at GFS for like 10 bucks for a 20# bag. The Frountier was $4 for a 10# bag.

I bought a bag I will probobly use it next weekend. I'll report back the results.
Jeff..I posted this same question several weeks ago. I'm glad someone else finally found some. I got some and used it the other day to grill some steaks. The bag has lots of nice big chunks in it and they seem very dense. I see that it's made in South America..may say the country but I can't recall right now. Anyway it popped and sparked like the Fourth of July. A lot more than the RO does. While it was in the chimney there was a steady stream of sparks just pouring out. As I was grilling there was even a small explosion which sent hot pieces everywhere. Other than that I kind of liked it I think. Not a lot of smoke from it. Not much of an aroma either. Seemed to burn real nice other than the sparking. I want to try it for low and slow and see how it works out. They have a website on the bag but it doesn't seem to work. Let me know what you think of it.
You can always go to to see if it is rated..most lumps are on their website
I checked naked whiz before I posted.

I checked the label earlier and I think was Argentina. My first thought is some of that longer burning stuff. I am not too worried about sparks. I always start charcoal in the chimney. Much less hassle to throw in a dozen pieces of charcoal than it is figure an equivalant amount of charcoal. I use both at the restraunt so it is easy alternative for me.

If Frountier is at least as good as RO preformance wise, the difference cost wise for me is a no brainer. I haven't bought any RO from GFS since last fall so I forget the price but I was thinking it was $10.75 for a 20 pounder. Frountier is $4 per ten pound bag.

I can't wait to try it. Did it seem like it burnt any longer Cory? What about Ash, is it less than RO?
Yeah, I think it will burn longer than RO. I only used it to cook steaks so I didn't really have a chance to see. The chunks are really heavy for their size. I assume that translates to longer burn times. If you can deal with the sparks I think it will be a pretty good product. I don't really have a problem with the sparking because I have a concrete patio. I'll probably buy more because of the great price. I think you're right on about the price of RO at GFS. That's where I get mine also. I noticed the last bag I got there had a lot smaller pieces than normal also. I hope that isn't going to be a common thing with it. I don't know about the ash. I actually mixed it with the RO that was already in my kettle so it would be hard to tell.
I am guessing that during a low and slow the air is restricted enough that I doubt sparking will be an issue. I burn hedge apple in my wood stove in the winter and it really sparks when the air is open but when it is shut down it doesn't spark at all.

I should have a good idea by Saturday afternoon how it will do. The last bag of RO I bought several months ago seemed to have a lot of smaller pieces in it. That actually isn't all bad. It is easier to pack the chamber with smaller stuff.
I cut my teeth on this lump today. I am a little rusty but last year the Royal Oak lump ran around 8 hours or so.

I dumped in the entire 10 pound bag. There was a lot of larger pieces like RO maybe even bigger. I started the lump with around 20 kingsford briquetts. The temp settled in and later on I here a fireworks display going on inside the smoker. Later in the cook the temps took a jump to 275. I didn't empty the ash yet so I don't know how that will compare.

I can put up with the sparking, for the price and what I have seen in the cooking I will be using more of the Frountier lump. I would like to get my hands on the RO made in brazil. I forgot to check the bags when I was in GFS the other day. I already had my frountier bought I didn't even think of checking it.
How did it work out? Did it last a long time? I used it again today. While it was in the chimney a piece exploded and hit me in the eye. It burnt my lower eyelid. This stuff is dangerous. But if it works ok using the MM I might get some more. But as for lighting in the chimney anymore I don't know. I've been injured twice by it now. OUCH! I want to like it because the price is great and seems to be a good lump. I've yet to come across the RO from Brazil at GFS. I've bought RO from USA, Argentina and Mexico there though.
Somewhere around 9 hours the lump is completely gone. I was standing by the smoker yesterdar around 5pm and it was still warm like 150 but a peek into the pit, it was completely burnt up.

I like it for the price. The ash is quite a bit more as some lumps. I think it is about the same as RO lump.

I didn't light any in the chimney. I use briquetts for that.
I used another 10 pounds yesterday. It ran over 10 hours.

The only problem I now have is my supplier was out or not carrying it anymore as there wasn't any on the shelf. I am going to be really bummed if they quit carrying it. I used my last bag yesterday.

