Anyone else love Chuck Eye Steaks?


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Chuck eyes are as scarce as hen's teeth around these parts, and I paid $5.99/lb for the ones I cooked last night.

Constantly tossed 'em, turned 'em, over a One Mississippi fire of K Comp, then a pat of butter and garlic powder on top of each.
These little 8 ouncer's were outstanding, as always!

Are they common in your area?

One of my favorites. They run only about $1 per lb less than rib eyes here and for the difference, I will buy rib eyes, BUT occasionally, the Piggly Wiggly will have CAB chuck eyes for $4.99 / lb, sometimes a little less. When they do, I load up!

Great looking steaks!

After the last cut of ribeye,the next steak or roast depending on thickness of the cut is where the chuck eye comes from.So it is actually cut from the same muscle as the ribeye........and yes,if you can find them they make a fine steak.
Chuck eyes are a great steak for the price, in my neck of the woods in south tx, chuck eyes are about 3 bucks cheaper per lb than rib eyes, and the flavor is better in a chuck eye than a ribeye imo. Chuck eyes cooked low and slow are so much better than high heat, give it a try next time.
Choice chuck eyes used to run 2.99 to 4.99 here a few years ago now they run over $6 a pound so I have not had one in a while. They are a good cut but I do prefer a Ribeye or a Flat Iron.
You bet, I love them! They are hard to find here as well, I have to go to a butcher on the other side of the Island who still has hanging beef to get them, worth the effort though, I can't say I really know what they charge for them....

Hmm, two years ago I found them for 99 cents per pound. I backed up the truck and loaded up as much as possible.
Dang I miss them type of deals.

I'm on that bandwagon. There's only one place around here that carries them - fortunately about two miles from my place. We pay 5 or 6 bucks a pound too. Still way cheaper than the ribeyes.
I have been "quietly" buying chuck eyes for years! They do not look as good in the meat case as a rib eye or say a porter house but they sure do eat good! Always on sale around here.
OK, I've read this post and since no one else mentioned it, I know that I'm asking a real dumb question - but what exactly is a 'one mississippi fire'? And how long did these take to cook/ They look tasty!

Originally posted by PeteH:
OK, I've read this post and since no one else mentioned it, I know that I'm asking a real dumb question - but what exactly is a 'one mississippi fire'? And how long did these take to cook/ They look tasty!


its when you can only hold your hand over the grate for 1 second
i cooked me up one yesterday. i got a value pack for $4.99/lb. i salted it lightly and let it sit on the counter for an hour and then seasoned both sides with dizzy pig's Cowlick. then i cooked indirect of some blue bag K with a few chunks of pecan for 10 minutes. then seared over the hot coals for about 90 seconds each side. while it was sitting on the counter resting i put a few pats of butter on it. it was so good and perfectly medium rare.
I don't think there's a better bargain on a steer, unless you're one of those Californians that can buy tri tips for the price of bologna.
Picked some up at the local Acme today at $4.99/lb. Until this thread, I've never searched out this cut. Looking forward to trying them out soon.
I would have to say SHHHHHHHHH.... the more they are talked about the more popular they become... they were $3.49lb for a long time, now they are about $3.99... Don't tell anyone. They are a very good cut of steak..
Chuck eyes are non-existent in the grocery stores here. I got a whole chuck eye from my butcher once, and cut it into steaks.

Real nice flavor on that cut, looking forward to doing it again.

