anyone cooked on a Oklahoma Joe?

They're probably ok. I've got an Old Country which is comparable although probably a little more expensive. You find them at Academy. I've lately figured out how to make it work. I feel like they are a better design than the Oklahoma Joe with the exhaust at grate level and a baffle at the firebox side. The price is closer to 400. I got mine for 350. Its completely welded although you have to look around and pick the best one. The quality is inconsistant. I assume you are planning on stickburning with it? I think the old country is probably the best bang for your buck in the cheap offset arena. I'll do more research on the ok joe.
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In that post it looks like he added a convection plate to even out temps. I'll bet there are some other mods on it as well. There are plenty of resources on how to mod it and what mods to do. I haven't done much to my Old Country other than make a charcoal basket.

Stickburning is a lot of work. I find the key is to use small splits for this size/type of smoker (including the Oklahoma Joe). Right now I'm buying the Western mini-logs from academy and in some cases splitting those further down. My splits are about 10 to 12 inches long and about as big around as my wrist or my fist max. I generally start with a weber chimney full of a lit lump just to get started and throw on a couple of splits. Once I get the smoker up to temp, I'm usually throwing on a split or 2 every 45 minutes or so. That keeps me in the range of about 275. Using larger logs I was having to run 325 to 350. I also bought some oak( have no idea what species) that I got from a place that sells supposedly seasoned firewood and use that when I can but it's still a little too green. I also use deadfall limbs from my pecan tree.

I find is stickburning is a lot of fun and relaxing. You get to play with fire. However, with a cheap offset you really have to baby-sit the thing and I really can't see doing a 12 to 14 hour cook on it. I could see doing a brisket or butt hot and fast. I'm hoping in a few years to get a really nice offset. Something with 1/4 inch steel at least.

