Any old CLBB members here?

Please don't take this personal but having seen a Winnie the Pooh production this weekend let me speak for Eeyore and reply "It's all for naught," lol.
time for another bump!!!!!!!!
Hello Joan.

I read the entire thread and can see you fit the definition of “tenacious”.

I don’t know anything about CLBB, but found this:

Maybe similar to what you seek?
Please don't take this personal but having seen a Winnie the Pooh production this weekend let me speak for Eeyore and reply "It's all for naught," lol.
I know what I lot of people think of me for doing this, but I don't give a sh*t. I want to get in touch with them and I will keep trying!
Tim, like I have said (many times) I ran my game for TEN years and had hundreds and hundreds of players. And no, we did not just stick to "light" cooking. The object of the game was a different number was used every week and we were to cook something from that number cookbook. We had quite a wide variety of things cooked. Soooo, I don't care what anyone says here, it is possible that someday someone will see this thread and get in touch with me. So please people, quit bugging me about it. It means a lot to me to keep this thread in sight OK? 🥰
I know what I lot of people think of me for doing this, but I don't give a sh*t. I want to get in touch with them and I will keep trying!
I apologize for upsetting you but it was not intentional. I was just making a feeble attempt at humor. I've been quoting Eeyore lines all weekend. You have every right to reach-out to see if you can find members.
Thank you! I don't know how many more times I will have to bump up this thread and I really DO NOT LIKE being hassled every time. I hope you all understand.
Personally, I don’t think this is a useful exercise, but I don’t mind if you continue asking. It’s no skin off my nose.
Joan, do you have a link to the old CLBB site?

Even it it doesn't work?

Edit. Found this

With link here

Perhaps you've seen these before, if not maybe some you are looking for are on that forum.

Edit 2

Or maybe here

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