Any cyclists out there? - Trainer Road


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Hey, TVWBB'ers!

If you are a cyclist, and have any interest in trying out TrainerRoad (, let me know. I have a couple of free months that I can refer to anyone who is interested (one month per referral.)

I've been using this setup for several months now, and I really like it as a way to increase my weekly miles and not be bored out of my mind using an indoor trainer. Using the trainer allows me to ride after work, when it's either too dark, there's too much traffic to be safe. I use a "smart trainer" (Kickr Snap) which is controlled by the TrainerRoad app on my laptop, but the software will work with many types of trainers.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, just private message me. If there are more than two interested parties, I'll go with first come, first served.

I have a roadie (2006 specialized allez I it used in 2013) but just use bright lights.... I know there are reasons for a trainer but I don't have one. I should put one at my desk.
I have a roadie (2006 specialized allez I it used in 2013) but just use bright lights.... I know there are reasons for a trainer but I don't have one. I should put one at my desk.

Clint, that's a great ride. I'm on a 2014 C-dale Synapse that I got a screaming deal on as a "last year's model closeout. My previous ride was a 2005 Allez.

I would take a road ride over the trainer any day of the week, but traffic around here after work just makes it an unsafe venture, especially as the sun goes down. I fortunately have the opportunity to get out at lunch sometimes, but the trainer really does let me ride more frequently.

I know how it is - dangerous here too.... I know your neighborhood is a lot busier than mine. My cousin uses his trainer for when he wants to ride but has to be around to watch his kids (~4 to 14 years old).
The trainer was perfect for the rainy day we had an hour in, decent speed workout. Probably would have just had a beer otherwise.....this way, I earned two! :)

Hah, yeah, seen 'em, pretty sure I'd rack up some injuries learning how to ride them! :) Had a buddy who swore by them, but he was an elite competitive triathlete, so had way more skills than me.


