Another newbie question

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Daniel Israel

TVWBB Member
OK... knowing my luck, this is Dan's stupid question #548473, but....

When you are smoking with both racks full of food, how do you turn the food in the bottom rack? I'm usually the only one doing it, and I want to hold the lid above, lift the top rack and turn the bottom rack... I only got 2 hands!!

Any help appreciated... Thanks!
I use my Weber chimney as a pedestal to hold the top grate while I deal with food on the bottom grate. I set the lid down on a rubber doormat. If you plan ahead and move quickly, the temperature will rebound just fine when you close it back up.

Alternately, a long pair of tongs thru the access door works in some instances, and you can even grab the visible edge of the bottom grate with the tongs or heat resistant gloves and spin it around to get to stuff on the far side-- just don't knock into the water pan.

that is why you have a bbq cart or table near to your Weber.

By myself,

1) I pull the top rack off the bullet and put it on a table..

2) baste the meat on the bottom rack...

3) turn the meat on the bottom rack...

4) baste the meat on the bottom rack...

5) put top rack back on the weber...

6) baste the meat on the top rack...

7) turn the meat on the top rack...

8) baste the meat on the top rack...
My next door nieghbor used to work for the circus.
He has 9 arms.
I call him up and he takes care of it for me.

When he's not around, I use the procedures listed above. Planning ahead is key. I've futzed around too long with the lid off and let all the heat out of my WSM before. I learned the hard way!

Good luck.
Yeah, just be careful putting on that top rack back on, make sure its nice and sturdy. One time I was trying to cook some chicken drumsticks up for a quick smoke at night and the top rack wasn't latched on perfectly, I dumped a few drumsticks down the side, a few splashed in the water pan thought that was the extent of it until I went to dump the ashes and found a few in there too. Whoops! Found out that drumsticks aren't the best anyway....
When I want to turn/baste meat on the bottom grate, I use my grill (the gas one) as a resting place for the top grate of the smoker. If my smoker's not by the grill I usually just take the top grate and set it on the concrete unless the food is sagging between the grate (not usually a problem). Temperature doesn't really swing too much if your fast. If you're not, it'll come down (not that big of a deal).
Yeah...I too have my Performer nearby to set my top rack on. Ya know...Webers like to be close...must be a family thing. The Genesis however, thinks he's hot stuff cause he's the only one on the deck...I hear his flavor bars hissing and taunting the other two...I told them not to get thier vents in a twist...I only use him for quickies...besides...he has a huge gas problem... /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
Dan, I seem to be in the small group of "don't touch it" 'ers.

Once I put the lid on my wsm, it doesn't get lifted until it's time to remove the meat. I put pork on top, brisket on bottom, if I'm doing both.

Works for me.

But, I wonder... could one reach in the side door and rotate the ring without it falling off the tabs, or shaking enough to make the ash fly? Anybody ever try that?
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