Another Happy Customer



New member
So I recently posted on the bbq board about my first two cooks on my lovely WSM 18.5 First Cook(s)…to get some more practice in before a labor day cook that will be feeding a decent amount of people, I was doing some chicken this past Sunday. I noticed a small area right where the handle connects to the lid about the size of a quarter where the enamel had been rubbed completely off. It was a bit deep as well… almost if it had been grinded.

I am not sure how I missed this in the excitement of my unboxing and first two cooks, but I have babied this thing pretty well and its in an area where even if I had dropped the lid on its head or something crazy like that its almost protected by the handle.

So I put in the call to customer service today.. And have a new lid coming my way via fedex. I don’t even have to return the old lid and I have not even taken a picture yet (going to provide them one for the record though). Just an amazing, friendly and hassle free customer service experience.

Already have a Weber gasser and a Smokey Joe, but this is the type of thing that will make me a Weber disciple for life (this and the quality of their products which happen to allow me to cook some tasty food).
Weber sure does Customer Service right!

Congrats on both the sucessful cooks and the hassle-free replacement.

