Am I weird?


DK Smith

I've had my WSM for about a month. 5 cooks in and 4 have been high heat (+350) cooks. I planned on using it primarily as a low and slow smoker, did not expect to want to use it so much as an outdoor oven. I love this thing for pizza and chicken and veggies because I can do both at the same time (pizza or veg on top rack of course). I guess you could say I just cook solely by my gut and I'm surprised by what I'm into right now after getting my WSM. I think its a very underrated high heat cooker!
FWIW I use a 22 and remove the water pan for high heat cooks. One full lit chimney, half unlit and vents all the way open.
I use my WSM primarily for low and slow cooks. But I have used it a few times for high heat stuff too. It works great either way. Thats the beauty of the WSM - it is versatile if you use it properly. I once had some ribs and a couple tri-tips. I wanted to do the ribs low and slow and use high heat for the tri tips. So when the ribs were done I pulled them off. Then I pulled off the middle section of the WSM just for a minute or two to let the fire get a good blast of oxygen. I put the cooker back together and my temps had instantly shot up to about 350 which was right where I wanted it. Put the tri tips on and the rest is good eatin' history.
Interesting... that option never occurred to me (using a WSM for high heat cooks). I ended up buying a Performer because I wanted to be able to grill and do some smoking, but I found myself doing mostly indirect cooking anyways. As you point out, a WSM could have done that indirect cooking just fine, and would have required less tinkering when doing long slow smokes.

Live and learn, I guess
You are most definitely not weird - IMHO it IS an outdoor oven. You are just focusing on higher heat cooks. What to worry? You're fine
Eventually you may find a recipe or cook that requires low temps, when you get their you'll adjust.

The fact that you see it as an oven is actually quite normal, add the fact that you are working on fire/temp control and I think you are on a good track my friend

This makes for a quick ramp and ability to adapt to different styles.

In the end - outdoor cooking (especially) is all about fire control. IMHO whether it's grilling or smoking.

Learn how to control the "oven".

