Can anybody tell me if aluminum tape is food frendly, i used it to seal openings on the fire box and the duct conecting the firebox to the food box, ive done a run test, and the glue on the tape outside was melting.
Aluminum tape is used for sealing metal ducting for A/C& Heating. It's not made to withstand the extreme temps of a grill.So, no I don't think it has to be food safe. Why not use regular foil? When I had my old char-griller I used to roll a sheet into a thin rope, and pack in the openings.Worked great!
There are high heat aluminum tapes used for automotive exhaust leaks.
I doubt that they are designed as food friendly, however they would work for sealing cracks on your cooker.
Thanks, i guess i can try using the aluminum foil, since all i need to cover is the conection pipe from the fire box to the food box.
Im trying to go cheap for now, not working and all other options are kind a expesive..
but thanks for all your sujestions..