adding gelatin to pulled pork


Greg W

New member
Anyone have any experience with adding dissolved gelatin to add supplemental moisture and lip-smackiness to pulled pork?

I pulled my butts after 13 hours and plateau around 180. I wrapped in foil and have in the 250 degree oven. I was concerned about them drying out (I've basted several times) and there are huge storms rolling in.

Just thinking if I should try it and if anyone else has had success in doing this?
I have never added gelatin. Based on you saying you pulled them at 180 I am guess there will still be plenty o fat that has not rendered out yet. Depending on how long you need to hold them before pulling and serving you might just want to foil them and put them in a cooler with some towels as opposed to the oven. They will stay plenty warm for 5 or 6 hours like that. Either way I think they will be plenty moist without adding gelatin.

Let us know how it turns out
They won't dry out and you can continue the cook until they hit an internal of 200 with no problem. Rest for a good 45 minutes before pulling. I've had butts take up to 20 hours to finish at 190. If you want to add anything, add a mixture of cider vinegar and apple juice (1/2 cup each) or some of your favorite BBQ sauce. But definitely not gelatin.
Went with a finishing sauce, sans gelatin, and it turned out brilliantly.

Had to pull them and finish them in the oven for fear of being blown away in the tornado that raged through the area.

