ABT help!!


Ted T

New member
Pre-made the ABT's last night for a BBQ of about 50 - was panning on throwing them on the smoker with 4 beer can chickens after I pull the pork shoulders off. Doesn't look like I'll have as much spare room as I thought. Can I do these on the kettle? I feel like the cheese and bacon grease will drip on the coals, flaming up the fire.... Maybe the over??
Thanks Dave! - just meant i put them together, haven't actually cooked them yet... But yea, i'm leaning towards oven..

ABT's COOKED in the oven? If you want to, but I'd smoke INDIRECT on the kettle, hot and fast in two batches. Use pepper racks if you have 'em.
What's an ABT?

Gene, ABT stands for "Atomic Buffalo Turds". Everyone has their own version but mine is a Jalapeno pepper,stuffed with Philadelphia Cream Cheese, a Lil' Smokey sausage on top and then wrapped in bacon.

Interesting, I learn something every time I come on here, no kidding. I'll have to move this one to my recipes folder. Thanks Rolf.
I have always done mine vertically. I cut the tops off, clean out the inside with a peeler and stuff with a cream cheese/Mexican shred mixture. I wrap it in half a slice of thick cut bacon held on with a toothpick. I then use a jalapeno roasting rack ($5-$10) and either smoke or cook indirectly on the kettle. I've used the smoker, kettle, gasser and even the over before with good success. They never last long once I bring them out to the table.

Here is a pic of them coming off the smoker:

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I always do mine on the kettle indirect at around 350-400. I like to place a strip of bacon on the top instead of wrapping all the way around but thats just my preference. I like the way the bacon crisps.
I don't know if this is too late to help, but I've had good luck pre-smoking them (cooking them lightly while smoking them hard) and then re-heating at my destination under a broiler. They come out good as new and the bacon gets really nice.

I can't see why a kettle wouldn't work, especially if you have a few firebricks to set up a very indirect heat.
Gene, Mike, just be aware.....the amount of seeds you leave in dictates the heat in the final product. :)

I always remove all the seeds, but I'll never forget the time I didn't remove any of the white membrane on the inside. Got in a hurry and ended up setting our neighbor's taste buds on FIRE. I can handle some heat, but this particular batch of jalapenos were pretty dang HOT.

