Brian Merz

TVWBB Member
A little backround before we start. About 6 months ago I moved my family from St. Louis to Rogers Arkansas for a promotion at work, and no it is not Wal-Mart. This weekend I will be packing up the family truckster and taking the tribe back to Stl for my daughters 5th birthday party, not wanting to load up the WSM I thought I would make some fresh brats and some that awsome Chicken Habenero sausage from Jim Minion.

Yesterday I went to Sam's picked up a package of butt's, a package of chuck roasts, a package of chicken thighs, and scored a package of short ribs they had in the case. I got home threw it all in the fridge and checked my recipies to make sure I had every thing I needed, I did and all is going well. I fell asleep dreaming of cutting triming and grinding up meat and stuffing it in pig guts, it was a good night sleep.

I woke up this morning weighed out all my spices for the brats cut up all the meat and ground it all up threw it into the fridge while I cleaned up and got the stuffer ready to go. I went to the box that the movers had put my Cabela's stuffer in unpacked it at looked at the stainless steal glimmering in the sunlight, I am man enough to admit I teared up a little. As I unpacked I noticed that all my parts where there except for one, the stuffer crank handle, oh poop. I looked through every box in the garage and a hour later no luck. What was I to do. The stuffer on my grinder is the most frustrating endevor I have ever undertaken so that was out. How hard could it be just to load up the stuffer and push the top with my hand? I have to say that after the sausage has set up for an hour the worlds strongest man would not have been able to do it.

All I have to say is that Cabela's makes a super strong stuffer that I would reccommend to anyone who needs a stuffer. The only way I could stuff my casings is to put a pot upside down on the plunger and sit on it, thats right I sat my fat butt right on that pot and used my foot to turn the sheet pan as the sausage flowed out of the stuffer. At the end of the day it turned out to be the most even stuffed sausage I have made.

Let this be a word to the wise, always make sure you have everything you need before you start or you will be sitting on a pot on a stuffer in the middle of your kitchen while your neighbor walks by the large sliding glass door looking at you like you have some serious issues. Happy grinding everyone.
Thanks Brian. You made my day. Glad it all worked out in the end. No pics? Oh well -- congrats again my friend.
Wow, I admire folks that persevere in the face of adversity! Good job, Brian. And also good to hear about the stuffer. I'm using my meat grinder right now and it does really fall short in the stuffer department. A nice little 5lb or 10lb stuffer would really fit the bill. I think that may be my Christmas present to myself.

