A vacation day, how about some pulled pork


Derek M.

New member
I was supposed to have Lasik today, but no dice, so I decided to go ahead and take the day off anyway since the wife and kids are home. I'm going to a bachelor party next weekend in New Mexico at a friends cabin in the Mountains. We did this last year and had a great time. We'd been trying to figure out the food situation and we were tossing around me smoking something. I didn't really want to do this as I get all anal about the temperature of the smoker and I have a hard time just leaving it. Now that I'm not asleep in my bed with goggles on my eyes I figure I could smoke a couple of shoulders, pull it, vacuum seal it, freeze it, and take it to the cabin. This way we won't have to worry about cooking one meal.

I picked up two boneless pork shoulders from walmart last night. I've gone this route every time since my first foray into pulled pork. The first time I got 14 or so pounds of shoulder at costco, which ended up being 2 large shoulders, which took about 16 hours. Now I get a package at walmart that contains 2 small shoulders and I cut my cooking time down to about 10 hours and I think its just as good.

Last night I pulled out a mix of seasonings. Since this will be me and the guys eating it, I'm going to add Rex's Cajun Seasoning, which I love. I get this when I'm down in new orleans. I pick this up in Central Grocery when I'm buying a Muffalata. I used it on my first brisket and it had a kick, which I like, but the wife and not all the guests like their food with a kick. I'm also going to use a generous amount of brown sugar, which I don't always do because the wife does atkins and she gives me **** for using brown sugar, even in my brines.


I bought the biggest pack I could find, which was 7 pounds, this was a 2.5 and a 3.5 pound shoulder after trimming. I trimmed the fat and rubbed them with my secret blend of spices pictured above.

I tied them up to encourage even cooking.

I let this rest overnight, I pulled them out this morning and the juices, spices and brown sugar made a syrup like coating on the pan. I rubbed this back onto the shoulders prior to putting them on the smoker

Since I'm only doing pork and its for me and I spiced it the way I like it, I'm going to use a bit more smoke wood this go around. I'm using mesquite I use the minion method in my WSM.

Adding the lit coals

I let the smoker stabalize then put the pork on, this was at 8:40 in the AM.

The wife is making Mr B's BBQ Shrimp this evening, which I'm excited about, but I just pulled the top off to spray with apple juice and take a couple of pics and this smells all kinds of bad ***. Here's a pic I took at 11:00, just over 3 hours in.


I thought I'd turn these shoulders and spray them again with apple juice.


probe out and flipped

close up
I was late with the money shot because I just got it pulled before I had to take off to go to Morrissey last night.

This may have been my best effort, this was so moist and smokey and full of sweet deliciousness.

Take a look







That has to be one of the most beautiful pair of butts I've seen in a long time!

Nice work. I'll definitely be referring back to your post.

I am very happy with my butts
- but looking to change up this season AFA rub/prep etc.
Is that a potatoe that you have your thermometer in? Also are you using that to meter the inside temp of the cooker?
Damn, that looks great. I am sure it tasted awesome. Nice job. Thanks for the pics. Now, I will wipe the drool off of my chin.

Yes, I have the thermometer in a potato, I got this from this forum, I use this to monitor the temperature at the grate.

This was by far my best effort, I think it had to do with the amount of brown sugar used.

Butts/Pulled pork looks great, nice job.

Did you foil the butts or not ?

What internal temp do you pull the butts from the smoker ?

I don't foil and I cooked them to 190 degrees. I had to go somewhere so I was really just waiting until 190. That's usually the minimum I cook them to.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Derek M.:
I was late with the money shot because I just got it pulled before I had to take off to go to Morrissey last night.

great pics! and my wife and i saw morrissey last year. amazing show!
I have not been able to use my WSM for some time due to working away in Africa but I am due home in Mid may and can't wait. After seeing your pictures along with the notes I will be doing some pork for sure. Thanks for including the pictures and I only hope my butt can turn out as good as yours. !!!!!!!!!!

