A proud, but sad, father moment


T Bounds

TVWBB Super Fan
This weekend I was at a father/son camp with my 8-year-old. For one little bit we and a group of fathers/sons met with a blacksmith. He had two demonstration pits going with air hoses and rheostat controls handling the volume of air. Boy after boy asked their dads, "Why is that hose hooked up? Why is that machine hooked up?" I heard so many lame explanations that had nothing to do with oxygen and heat. I proudly, and sadly, told my son the ancient tale of heat and oxygen and promised to demonstrate when we got home and grilled/smoked the next time. I was proud, for sure, to tell my son the truth, but sad so many dads had no idea. And no, I share this not to promote myself at all but to lament the apparently dying art of mastering fire. Thanks to all persons for the help I receive here.
In the caveman days, the leader of the group was the one who made fire. The giver of life. There will be a day, whether you know it or not, that your son will realize the important things he learned from his dad. The little things that he won't learn in school...never whittling towards yourself...using a hammer as a hammer and a wrench as a wrench, not the other way around...and BBQing.
My son is 45 but when he was a teenager I was sure he wasn't listening to me. Since he got married and tells me about things he's done I would ask where did you learn that. He said he learned it from me but when he was a teen he didn't want me to know he was paying attention. So dad's, they are listening so keep teaching. BTW, he grills and runs a smoker.
there's a lot of pride and satisfaction in starting a fire in the backcountry with just some tinder and sticks.....and of course some good air flow!
I take my girls camping and they do pretty good but I'm really wanting to bring my grandson along when he gets a little older (2 1/2 years old now). Teach him what I learned and hopefully he will enjoy the outdoors like I did growing up. It's sad that the amount of outdoor sportsmen are declining. It's something that we can't let die out. Without the Sportsmen there is no outdoors.

