A Little Duck on Smoke Weekend


James H

So, i went with the recommendations from Jeff Lowe and KK on this site and dunked the duck three times in just about boiling water for a minute each time. Then put it in the fridge to dry the skin overnight.

will rub with 5 spice powder, salt, and pepper and put in the WSM and go full out at 350*. For the last 20 minutes i'll goose up to 375-400 to get the skin crispy. Then making some scallion crepes and a hoison based sauce. Brush the crepe with some sauce, add some scallion and duck, fold up and enjoy.

Any advice from you aficionados out there?

Happy Smoke Day!!!!
Hi all,

Made this as described on the WSM and it was excellent and now I am obsessed with peking duck on the WSM.

I have a question though. When researching peking duck on the net, it is common practice where the duck actually is hung at room temperature to dry out the skin for up to 10 hours.

Isn't it dangerous to have meat at room temp like this??

Thanks all
I saw a cooking show last night concerning duck and told the wife I want to do one. Interesting that I saw this post this AM.

Though I've been to many other countries in Europe and Asia and have seen all sorts of animal hung in open air markets and butcher shops, I am interested to hear what folks say about this as well.
James, I've doen Chinese tea smoked duck on the WSM a couple times. I'd love to see your results for Peking Duck. Any pics?

