A good test for a new toy (PartyQ)?



My PartyQ (an early birthday/Christmas present) should be arriving tomorrow and I plan on using it for a couple pork butts next Friday night into Saturday morning. However, I want to give it a test run to be sure that (1) it works properly and (2) I know how to work it properly. So, I was thinking of throwing some chicken parts (legs, thighs and split breasts) on my 18.5 this Saturday for a quick test run. I wanted to do a couple whole chickens, but all the local warehouse store had were gigantic (7-8 lb.) oven stuffers, none of the smaller broiler/fryer twin-packs I prefer.

At any rate, I figure if it can maintain 325-ish for a 2-3 hour cook, that should adequately confirm that it's working and I know how to use it.

Any thoughts or suggestions from those who've used the PartyQ before? It seems pretty straightforward, which is the main reason I bought it over the other models they sell.

I have one and like it. A tad bit under powered for a 22 1/2" WSM, but great on everything else. Super easy to use. You'll like it.
I did this test run last night (sorry, no pics; it was dark & rainy) and it went fairly well. Thursday night, I brined the chicken pieces in my typical apple juice brine (2 cups juice, 1/4 cup each of brown sugar and table salt) and then removed from the brine Friday morning. After work Friday, I gave everything a good coat of Memphis Dust while setting up the smoker. Filled the charcoal ring halfway with unlit and topped with half a chimney of lit. I completely removed the water pan and lower grate, cooking only on the top grate. I mounted my Maverick's pit probe to the bottom of the top grate using the standard grate clip and then clipped the PartyQ probe to that clip.

I started with all of the lower vents wide open. When the Mav was reading about 270, I closed the two "open" lower vents all the way and set the PartyQ to 275. Throughout the cook, it puffed on as needed and it was reading 275 regularly. However, the Maverick was showing about 5-10 degrees over what the PartyQ was set to. I've tested that Maverick and found it to be dead-on accurate, so I have to assume that either the PartyQ is a few degrees cooler, or it was getting a different reading because of how/where it was attached. In any event, knowing the variance, I can allow for it, and a difference of 5-10 degrees isn't going to be critical in most cases.

I cooked the chicken, skin side up, for and hour, then flipped it for another hour. Without a doubt, it's the tastiest chicken I've ever made on the WSM, and darn juicy. It's got a decent smoked flavor despite not having used any smoke wood.

Next Friday I'll give the PartyQ an overnight test with some pork butts.

