A full smoker!

Ryan, glad to hear it went well. What temp did you cook at and how long did it take you to get there ?

I've got 100 lbs going on Friday.

It would be helpful, but in my 2 large cooks I pretty much ran wide open the entire night. I don't use water, but with 80-100 lbs of meat in there, it still takes a lot of heat. I shutdown 1 of the vents in the morning.

Both of my larger cooks were at comps where we had some people vending with us. I won't be so busy this Friday so I will try to use a log and take pics.
I did this cook at 235 degrees. I did use my stoker to maintain that temp. The Brisket took 18 hours, the shoulders took from 14-16 hours. They came off at different times. The bottom rack was done first then the middle then the top. I hope that helps!
Here is 100 lbs on the 22 this past weekend


I put a foiled clay saucer in the empty foiled water pan and started with a full chimney of lit. The butts cooked more consistently than my 2 large cooks back in april. I only had 1 that took much longer than the others, but it was huge and I knew that going in.

