a few recent cooks :0 (BIGTIME pic HEAVY!)

Holy macaroni Jim, you been saving up some cooking pics with this post.

Everything looks fantastic!

A guy has to get out and grill, with the weather we have had here in Wisconsin lately.

Thanks for sharing all the pics.
Love IT! I have two nr 1...No wait 1 nr2 and then 1nr 3...No wait...Wait guttdammit..I will take 2..Ill take a sample of EVERYTHING!...Excellent!
That was a Shady thing Jim giving addicts like us That Much! I almost OD'd at work today!

Great looking meals!
more thank you's

D<span class="ev_code_GREY">ave</span> Wiess, I'm not sure if the racks are available anymore...
you can read more about them and possibly check out the links to finding them right here.
oh, and by the way D<span class="ev_code_GREY">ennis</span> Wiess, welcome to the forum! Don't forget to stop by the INTRODUCE YOURSELF page so everyone can give you a big WeberWelcome!

