98 Little Red Dragon



I had a “first” come through the shop this week...a 1998 twin burner redhead that I dubbed The Little Red Dragon. I see 3 burners on a regular basis and have 4 of them on hand at the moment but never had a 2 burner roll through before until now. For whatever reason, this one really seems to have a great retro look to it. Grilling season must be heating up, too. I sold it in less than an hour at a full ask of 3 bills.
Good job on the rehab and good price too. I usually am rehabbing by now, but this crappy spring weather just won't break.
Looks fantastic as usual. Out of curiosity, how many hours and $$ did you put in to that grill?
I hire out my sandblasting so I’m all in at $190 plus 3.25 hours of actual wrench time. I broke down 2 more grills and painted a third one between coats on this one. It was a nice assembly line kind of day here with some decent weather to do it in for a change, too.
I hire out my sandblasting so I’m all in at $190 plus 3.25 hours of actual wrench time. I broke down 2 more grills and painted a third one between coats on this one. It was a nice assembly line kind of day here with some decent weather to do it in for a change, too.
For comparison my finished grills are clean and fully working, but nothing like yours. I tend to re-use all parts that have life left in them. No grinding or sandblasting except to treat rusty areas. I put in anywhere from $0-80 and sell between 120- 250 depending on grill. Usually have at least the same amount of time in them. So I would guess we come in about the same profit margins and hours even though we are going for different end results and customers. I got lucky and picked up 2 golds last week and reused almost everything but drip pan and hanger on one and igniter and casters on the other. Sold the one with cabinet for 3 and w/o cabinet for 250.


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I think both of your models are very valid and each bring their own reward - as well as meeting different buyers' needs.

Tom, hat red 2-burner came out stunning! I think was Weber's attempt to make a lower cost, "entry-level" grill. I like to compare it - and the 3-burner equivalent that had a similar side tray - to the old Studebaker Scotsman:

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I think both of your models are very valid and each bring their own reward - as well as meeting different buyers' needs.

Tom, hat red 2-burner came out stunning! I think was Weber's attempt to make a lower cost, "entry-level" grill. I like to compare it - and the 3-burner equivalent that had a similar side tray - to the old Studebaker Scotsman:

Yes I agree. I was not trying to indicate otherwise. I appreciate Tom's wonderful restores, and they people that buy them instead of the more expensive lesser built newer grills. I was just contrasting and validating both our methods, for myself as well as others.
Yes I agree. I was not trying to indicate otherwise. I appreciate Tom's wonderful restores, and they people that buy them instead of the more expensive lesser built newer grills. I was just contrasting and validating both our methods, for myself as well as others.

I totally agree, and this is also a fine example of separate and distinct markets.
That little 500 of Tom's, while nice as it is, and of course my fave RED ... would not
bring more than $200 locally here in KC without holding a gun to someone's head.
Tom, hats off to you for the fine work, and restoring a fine old grill.
Those little 2 burners are really nice performing units. Plus versatile as they even hold the rotisserie from a full size 3 burner and they do a wonderful job spinning as well
Jon and I might go about things differently but we definitely share an interest in getting more mileage out of an old grill. We communicate outside of the forum as well in the interest of growing our customer reach. He actually helped me pull top dollar out of my Platinum C by recommending that I reinstall the doors even though I liked it better without them. As it turns out, my buyers agreed with Jon’s preference. I’ve jokingly said to myself that I’m going to start saving burners, bars, and grates with life still in them until I can convince him to drive from VA to NY for a truckload to take home. I just took four 5 gal buckets of burner tube to the scrap yard and easily have 200lbs of good flavor bars stacked on end in a corner of the shop.
Jon and I might go about things differently but we definitely share an interest in getting more mileage out of an old grill. We communicate outside of the forum as well in the interest of growing our customer reach. He actually helped me pull top dollar out of my Platinum C by recommending that I reinstall the doors even though I liked it better without them. As it turns out, my buyers agreed with Jon’s preference. I’ve jokingly said to myself that I’m going to start saving burners, bars, and grates with life still in them until I can convince him to drive from VA to NY for a truckload to take home. I just took four 5 gal buckets of burner tube to the scrap yard and easily have 200lbs of good flavor bars stacked on end in a corner of the shop.
Why not split the difference and restore half your grills to perfection as you do now, and use that inventory to do half like I do. It is way faster, you have the parts, and you may attract more people that will not spend $$$ on a restored grill. You may even want to do 1 or 2 as a test just for the fun of it.
Ha. I just realized my iPad seems to have an affection for “Jon”. It keeps changing Joe to Jon on me. Weird. I guess Jon T should feel flattered. And you’re right, Joe...I should do some basics and will pull some out soon enough. I’ve got a bunch of black Silver A, B, & C’s to whittle down.

