90's genesis frame utility cart


Patrick McMahon

New member
Has anyone ever taken an old genesis frame and converted it completely to a table or possibly a cart with storage? Just curious.
I have seen a lot of modded 1st generation genesis carts. Holding smokey mountains, SS topped prep carts, even seen some blackstones on them. I have some ideas for one too
Same here. I have a Genesis 1000 cart that I use for a work table. I lay a piece of wood that I have on it when I need it to be a table.
Some people really mod them up nice and make them all pretty. Mine is much more utilitarian.
I didn't know Rich made that!
Miss having him around here
If you're going to ruin a frame by doing this, let it be from a Silver B and not a Genesis 1000. This is coming from a place of having to scrap them because of rust, I pretty much don't care what becomes of a Silver B às I consider it to be a big step down from the original design.

