7 Old Wives' Tales About Cooking Steak


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Not sure if this Serious Eats article link has been posted here before.
I ran across it when looking for someone backing my theory that flipping steaks often is just fine, and the 'flip only once' spouted by so many is nonsense.
I usually flip often to get a more even all over browning, and try to flip to a hot new area, not directly over.
My own thinking is that it also keeps driving the juices toward the center, same with burgers, no idea is this is true.

You can agree with the article, or parts of it, or none of it, we all have our own methods and theories.

I pretty much agree with the article. Makes sense.


I've seen it before, although I don't believe it was here, seems like maybe at Amazing Ribs.

Interestingly, in each recipe 'Weber's Big Book of Burgers' recommends flipping only once. I've never looked too much at the general info section to see if he explains why, but I suspect it is similar to this.
I always tried to flip only once because everyone swore that was what great cooks did. When that was debunked (thank you interweb) I started flipping early and often. I like the results I get with more flippage. (Is that a word?)
anyhow , I just think I am a much better cook now than I was years ago. That's just experience , I guess . And being willing to learn and change.

