4th of July Cooking

After quite a few successful butt and turkey smokes, I am going to tackle my first brisket. My son is coming up from Knoxville, so I thought that deserved something different.

Have a safe and happy fourth!

Two nights ago I smoked three different kinds of peppers so I could make some 4 Pepper Rub.

Tonight there are three butts smoking in apple, hickory and, oak. Piedmont Pan.
I have missed that 4 Pepper Rub.

I need to make some sauce...happy 4th to all.
Some really nice ribeyes, baked potato, fresh garden salad, bbq beans, pecan pie, with some home brewed root beer. After the food has settled a bit
I will go blow the cobwebs out of the 67 SS427 Impala on a nice country road, it is sort of like making your own fireworks. All American food and an All American car. Happy 4th to all!
Two butts on the 4th and 6 slabs of ribs on the 5th. Second cook on the wsm.

First turned out ok even though the wsm stayed around 300? I had the guru going and all vents closed except the top. I am thinking I did not let the temp come down first before adding the meat. Any suggestions if I run into this again?

Anyway all of it was eaten.

Happy 4th
There shouldn't be any 'come down' to deal with if using the Guru because little fuel should be lit when you start.

Fill your ring with unlit, top with a few lit coals, assemble the cooker (foiled pan only--no water), and load in the meat and place your probes. Lower vents closed; start the Guru. Leave the top vent open about 1/3 or so throughout the cook.
Bob H wrote
"With home brewed root beer"

That I would like to know about

Could you email me please Bob H

I've got two butts going but, I had to pull one and put it in the oven to get the temp up so it will be ready for the time we are going to eat. I left the other one on the smoker, if I cook them seperately they both will cook faster.

When I checked this morning the smoker temp was low and I've had a hard time getting back up, put a lit chimney in a while back. Brought the temps up better, but I still needed to put one in the oven. It's been windy over night and I that increased my problems.

But that is the way it goes sometimes. Anyway, the beer is has reached a good stable temp and may need to sampled here shortly. I keep telling myself "beer, it's not just for breakfast anymore".

What is everyone else doing?

Well here in Denmark SC we are having hand made burgers stuffed with cheese and onions wraped with bacon and brats done in onions , butter, and beer then finished on the grill!!!
I've got three pounds of almonds going in the WSM. Brined last night in pickling salt, onion powder and cayenne pepper. Put them on racks in front of the fan all night so they were good and dry this morning. Coated them with olive oil and a little chili oil, and now smoking with hickory and apple.
I've got 2 Mustard Slathered Butts that have been going for 18 hours. Hickory and Pecan wood. Using Original Water pan with 12" flowerr pot base. I have had issues with temp control for the 1st 4 hours. I will be going back to the ECB Pan and 14" Clay pot base. much better temp control.
Using MM and have not added 1 coal! My neighbors are in "awe" of my WSM...my daughter named her "Lafawnda" from Napoleon Dynamite...

Will be posting a link to my photo site documenting the entire cook.
Originally posted by Randy Owens:
I've got 2 Mustard Slathered Butts that have been going for 18 hours. Hickory and Pecan wood. Using Original Water pan with 12" flowerr pot base. I have had issues with temp control for the 1st 4 hours. I will be going back to the ECB Pan and 14" Clay pot base. much better temp control.
Using MM and have not added 1 coal! My neighbors are in "awe" of my WSM...my daughter named her "Lafawnda" from Napoleon Dynamite...

Will be posting a link to my photo site documenting the entire cook.
Here's a link to the cook. the Larger of the 2 butts went 22 Hrs! http://www.ro-photeauxs.smugmug.com/Randys%20Photeauxs/346219
Randy, Very nice photo essay of a how-to on smoking a pork butt. And my wife thinks I"M crazy when I take a few pictures of the action. It looked so good I could almost taste it! Also, nice t-shirt! Up in these parts a Leinies with a smoke or barbecue is a pretty common sight. It looks like you have quite a team to help you out. I can only wish that someday one of my daughters will see the light, ha! Thanks for the pics and the very nice work!
Todd, thanks for the kudos! I had a friend in Wisconsin sed me this shirt. We can't get Leinies down here! I used to go to MW and work for a company based out of MSP now. I wish we could get them down here.
Randy, tried to see the pics of your cook, that link gets me to the site, but the message is that they don't exist there. Are they posted somewhere els, like to see this

