4 butts again


Ron Hunter

TVWBB Member
Well I've got the 4 butts in the garage fridge. 3 at 8.5+ and 1 at 9.55 lbs.

After I trim off the fat cap, do the cook, let them rest, and then pull. On average how much usable meat should I get on an 8 or 9 lb butt? My guess is after trimming and cooking - around 50%.

Has anyone actually weighed the finished product? What do you think it should be.

Also, my plan is for two butts Friday night - 18 people (this is a birthday party and a lot of other food will be served). However, this is is probably the only meat - should I get into a third one? The remaining one or two is for a small family(approx 15) get-together this Sunday where just finger foods are served. If I leave the unpulled roast(s) in the foil, what is the best way to get it up to pulling temp. Or would you just pull it all and reheat?

I had been planning on giving my sisters some to take home in their goodie baskets. I'm wondering if I'm cooking enough.

Hey Ron, your probably right about the finished weight. Usually about 50% to 60% left. I have noticed myself that if I inject either a butt or a brisket it seems to yield more?

I think 2 butts for each party is plenty! I would pull all the meat when its done then reheat later "slowly".

Windy City Smokers

