4.5lb pork shoulder in right now!

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Yes they are. The exact same theory applies.....metal conducts heat better than air.

I just smoked some hot dogs last night for the kids...us big people had ribs and brisket!....and I got grill marks just like on the gasser. Not nearly as pronounced, but grill marks all the same.

I have had times when the meat has stuck to the grates, which seems to indicate further that the grates do indeed get hotter than the ambient air.
Stogie wrote :I remember when I first started BBQing.. A Texan told me how to test the fire for the proper heat......stick your arm in the pit and if the hair burns off it is just right!! LOL Of course you can only cook once in a while using this method. LOL

A fellow butcher was giving us his trade secrets on smoking his ring bologna. [which was better than any others] I asked how hot do you take your rings??

"When it feels like a wet sock in a boot then its time to take it off.!!!!"

With precise advise like that how can you miss??
Dan from PA
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