4.5 lb. Pulled Pork Steak

Great looking butt. I'm with the kid, I don't like those green bombs either......but then, I much like cooked cabbage either.....................d
Hi Bob.
For me, really good - PP + BS. I really I would very much like to have lunch eat with you this:p. Same question as for Geir:
What camera / lens are you using? Your photos are absolutely perfect.
Thank you Bob.
A Duke's mixture (hope y'all have heard that phrase before) of rubs.

Oh yeah, I've heard the expression many times. Same definition as the word "slumgullion" my Dad used to use. Meal looks great but I'm kinda like you. Never could learn to like those midget cabbages. BTW, your Forsythia is really pretty. Have a big one in my yard and it's in full bloom too.
Thanks for the kind comments everyone!

I think the total cook was about 7 hrs.

Maybe I'll try bs's your way, but only maybe.:rolleyes:

The camera is a Pentax, not sure which lens I used (I have too many:))

My dad used the term Duke's mixture, a lot.

