3rd Cook: Beer Can Chicken/Auber Instruments Controller



New member
My third cook on the WSM and I'm definitely in love with this smoker.

We did beer can chicken for 4 hours at 250 deg with a foiled pan. I used the minion method with 2 baseball sized chunks of apple.
I didn't really notice the apple but I was glad the smoke was not over powering. May try a bit more next smoke.

It was the first time using the Auber controller and I am impressed with this little unit.

It held the temps within 2 - 4 deg for the entire cook.

With the Auber hooked up. The 2 for 251 did not show on the picture:

Getting ready to pull them off:





The chicken came out very moist. The skin wasn't too bad. Used vegetable oil before applying the rub and it seemed crispy to me.
I usually do them on the kettle, coals on both sides and run around 350 degrees. Did one last night.
Looks good. Next time try it without a can in the holder, that way the heat and smoke can get inside the cavity of the bird and cook it from the inside as well as the outside.
I really wanted to do that but the damn birds wanted to fall over. I'll look for something that holds them up and is hollow.
I really wanted to do that but the damn birds wanted to fall over. I'll look for something that holds them up and is hollow.

I use the wire holders similar to yours and they usually stand up. If they won't stand up just lay them on their side, that's how I do them on my offset.
I almost prefer chicken on the WSM more than any other meat it just tastes so freaking good. Not to drift off topic but have you checked your local Food Lion, they had Boston Butt for .99 a pound, don't know how long the sale lasts. By the way, have your neighbors been getting more friendlier since you got the WSM?
Thanks for the heads up. I hit Food Lion yesterday and bought two Boston's. Wife is kicking my butt for buying everything for the WSM but doesn't argue about the finished product.
Go figure!
Have had a few neighbors ask what that bullet looking thing is on my deck. One wants me to do ribs for them. I agreed :) as it's more time working that WSM in!
Wife is kicking my butt for buying everything for the WSM but doesn't argue about the finished product.

Yep, know the feeling. My first smoker was a Chargriller w/sfb, smoked every weekend either Friday and Saturday or Saturday and Sunday, I have fortunately (not) learned to restrain myself.
Thanks for the heads up. I hit Food Lion yesterday and bought two Boston's. Wife is kicking my butt for buying everything for the WSM but doesn't argue about the finished product.
Go figure!
Have had a few neighbors ask what that bullet looking thing is on my deck. One wants me to do ribs for them. I agreed :) as it's more time working that WSM in!

Birds look great. I agree with the wire bird holders if you can find them. I picked up a few a couple yrs ago and use them all the time.
I ended up doing the same thing this weekend with the Food Lion sale on butts....smoking some for the neighbors. Put 5- 8-9 lb butts on the smoker yesterday and one was for me and the rest for my close neighbors. Also stashed 4 more in the freezer for later smoking use this summer.

