3 newbie ?'s


Pat D

TVWBB Member
Hello everyone! My wife surprised me this morning with a 18.5 WSM, what a gift!! I have some experience smoking on my kettle with a smokenator but this is the big leagues now for me.

I'm currently doing a test run on my porch as I type and had a couple of questions now that I'm about 2 hours into it.

1. How long does the WSM take to get to temperature? I used about 50 unlit briquets with about 15 fired up and I didn't hit 200 for an hour 1/2. I'm not sure if it's not getting hot because I didn't use enough briquets or if this is normal. I did fill the water pan about 1/2 full. Now it's hovering about 220 but it took a long time to get there.

2. I've been reading about people using clay plates in the water bowl instead of water. Is there a brand or can someone point me in the right direction to purchase one?

3. Is there a temperature difference from using the middle rack to the top rack? I've read that some people swear by rotating the meat mid smoke to even it out and some just let it be and don't worry about it. What's the consensus on this?

Thanks in advance and looking forward to some great bbq!
1. The water pan makes a big difference. When I use it I normally fill with hot water so it can approach 200 *before* I light the coals.

2. Local big garden store (Home Depot, Lowes, anything likely to have big pots for planting). The clay saucers should be beside the big clay pots. There may be some brands that hold up better than others to the heat but I don't remember seeing that mentioned. Diameter seems to be what matters (and low price ;)).

3. Yes there's a difference. No I don't remember which is hotter. I *think* the top rack will be hotter in general but the edges of the bottom rack might be hotter than the center (from the hot air coming up past the water bowl). My thought would be "rotate if you're cooking identical things top and bottom and want to remove everything at the same time, otherwise just take stuff off when it's done".

EDIT -- and congratulations on the new smoker !!
Thanks John, looks like it's going to take a bit to get me dialed in but I have to say I'm excited about the whole process. Now to figure out what I want to smoke first!
Hi Pat and welcome aboard.

I do not use water, I use a foiled clay flower pot base inside a foiled water pan.

I always fill my charcoal ring fully up with unlit charcoal. Whatever doesn't burn you can reuse in the next cook.

I light my charcoal in 2 or 3 places with a high output propane torch. I let it come up to my target temperature slowly, about 45 minutes.

The lower rack will be a bit hotter. I haven't noticed a big enough difference to effect my cooks.

http://virtualweberbullet.com/tipsfaq.html Here is a reading assignment for you. It's really worth the time to explore the material provided. I would recommend some of the beginner cooks. They will help you get better acquainted with your smoker. A clay saucer is a great idea, many of us use them but do try the water pan just so you can see for yourself what you prefer. You will have a great deal of enjoyment with your WSM and terrific food for the whole family.

I gave up water long ago and now also use the clay insert. Still, I remember that the water makes a HUGE difference in temp especially at the beginning of a smoke. Boiling water helps. When I smoke butts I do what many people do and start with a Minion pack and top it with a small number of fully lit coals, the number depending on the conditions. Mild temps, no wind or rain, the number is 13 and the temp rises quickly. I catch it on the way up and shoot for 225 for butts, and it takes around 20 minutes. Worse conditions and I'll go to 17 or 18 coals. Congratulations, keep up the good work, never get discouraged, learn from your mistakes, and I'm sure you'll be fine.
And by the way, I don't have numbers like many people, but I can smoke a butts on the top and bottom racks at the same time and, all things being equal, they are done at relatively the same time, not hours apart. So I never worry about the temp difference. I use the bottom rack when doing just one or two butts just to make the clean up easier.
You do understand, I hope, that this gift from your wife is just another way for her to not have to cook. I actually overheard my wife tell a friend that she did not mind me buying all kinds of grills, etc. as that was just fine for her to have her own personal chef.:rolleyes:)))))::::::::::::::::>> d

