3 Butt Cook--22.5--Overnight



New member
Hey everyone,
Hope no one minds another multiple meat thread.

Doing my 1st multiple Butt smoke on Sunday night/into Monday. I've read up on various threads about more than one Butt. But I have a few more questions since I'm cooking three of them.

I'm doing three 8.5 lb butts. I use water in the pan..usually about 3/4 full. We are planning on eating around 3:00 on Monday, so ideally, I probably need to have the meat pulled, and ready by 2:00(allowing a bit of wiggle room). My 22.5 usually runs pretty steady between 240-250 on long smokes, and I don't need to touch it for 6 hours-minimum on long smokes. Now, granted, that was during the day when it's a bit warmer.

Here are my questions: Feel free to comment on anything I may miss.

1. Can/could/should I do all 3 on the top rack if they fit(not sure if they will yet). I'm picking the butts up in an hour. I have a maverick, so I can run the temp probe on the grate, and one Butt.

2. If I need to use both grates, should I rotate? Which butt should get the probe in a 2 grate smoke?

3. What time should I have the meat on the grill for a 3:00 meal. Obviously, done early is better in this case. I was thinking of having the meat on the racks by 10:00 pm. Just not sure due to over night/ lotsa meat.

4. Am I missing anything else?

As always, Thanks for the help. I read this forum daily, and have learned TONS in just a few months.

I'm sure there are many points of view on something like this. These are my thoughts:

1. If they fit on top that's what I'd do. If not no biggie - use the bottom.

2. I would figure 1.5 hrs per lb of the largest one and rotate at the hafway mark. I wouldn't probe until I rotate. Whichever is further along - leave it in that one.

3. Again, figure 1.5 hrs per lb of the largest butt and that will be in the neighborhood of the finish time for all three.

4. Take it easy. It's just cooking.
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Thanks, Dwain. Was able to squeeze all 3 on the top rack. Whole cook took 14 hours. Piece of cake. I ended up probing the largest one, since they were all on the same rack. When it got close to temperature, I checked the smaller 2. Pulled them off 1st when done, wrapped and put in a Faux Cambro, let the bigger one finish up and wrapped him as well.

The meat was incredible. I injected these using Chris Lilly's recipe. It was a huge hit at the party!

Thanks again.

