Jim Lampe
TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Wednesday day night was pulled pork "grab me and eet me" night.
Four small pieces of pork shoulder seasoned with Penzey's BBQ3000 and smoked with hickory.
One large Red Garnet sweet potato peeled and sliced then seasoned with EVOO and turbinado and a touch of cayenne...
placed cut-side down in a CIS with a small pat of Wisconsin butter underside.
After 3+ hours at 275º+, the pork hit my desired internal temp of 200ºF.
Removed, foiled and tossed into a 200º oven for 30 minutes. Then shredded...
...and plated into tightwad sandwiches.
I used Stubb's BBQ Baste Moppin' sauce<span class="ev_code_GREY">OUTSTANDING STUFF!</span>on the pulled pork, Great Slaw on side of the RGYams and plenty of fresh ground pepper.
That Was One AWESOME Dinner!
Leftover pulled pork was a late night (after bowling) snack Thursday night in toasted tortillas with cheeses & salsa.
Friday night we grilled breaded pork chops.
B1G ol' chops, dredged in olive oil then plopped in Panko seasoned with Penzey's Northwoods Fire and Galena Street.
...and it was cold out tonight. Butt who really cares...?
The chops were direct about 3 minutes each side then four or so minutes indirect each side... until they hit 140º inside.
Once the desired temp was achieved, they were removed from the grill, tent foiled and rested momentarily then served with steamed 'gus and CISbaked Yukons.
The chops were SuperDuper juicy and B1Gtime flavourful! Fantastic Taste! I ?ed'um, and I wanted more!
The breaded part of the chops worked great on the grill.
Why settle for stovetop breaded chops or oven "fried" when your Weber Kettle does it just as well, if not better.
After all, you get to stand outside in fresh air freezin' your tush drinkin' a brew or two
Thanks for the visit! Farvel! Hyvästi! Snakkes! Ciao! Auf Wiedersehen! Sayonara! and Hejdå!
Four small pieces of pork shoulder seasoned with Penzey's BBQ3000 and smoked with hickory.
One large Red Garnet sweet potato peeled and sliced then seasoned with EVOO and turbinado and a touch of cayenne...
placed cut-side down in a CIS with a small pat of Wisconsin butter underside.

After 3+ hours at 275º+, the pork hit my desired internal temp of 200ºF.
Removed, foiled and tossed into a 200º oven for 30 minutes. Then shredded...
...and plated into tightwad sandwiches.
I used Stubb's BBQ Baste Moppin' sauce<span class="ev_code_GREY">OUTSTANDING STUFF!</span>on the pulled pork, Great Slaw on side of the RGYams and plenty of fresh ground pepper.
That Was One AWESOME Dinner!
Leftover pulled pork was a late night (after bowling) snack Thursday night in toasted tortillas with cheeses & salsa.
Friday night we grilled breaded pork chops.
B1G ol' chops, dredged in olive oil then plopped in Panko seasoned with Penzey's Northwoods Fire and Galena Street.
...and it was cold out tonight. Butt who really cares...?

The chops were direct about 3 minutes each side then four or so minutes indirect each side... until they hit 140º inside.
Once the desired temp was achieved, they were removed from the grill, tent foiled and rested momentarily then served with steamed 'gus and CISbaked Yukons.
The chops were SuperDuper juicy and B1Gtime flavourful! Fantastic Taste! I ?ed'um, and I wanted more!
The breaded part of the chops worked great on the grill.
Why settle for stovetop breaded chops or oven "fried" when your Weber Kettle does it just as well, if not better.
After all, you get to stand outside in fresh air freezin' your tush drinkin' a brew or two

Thanks for the visit! Farvel! Hyvästi! Snakkes! Ciao! Auf Wiedersehen! Sayonara! and Hejdå!