TVWBB Diamond Member
Wow, based on how my 4th Stoker cook has gone I'm soooooo glad I stuck through my hardware issues. Put a butt on last night around 11:30 p.m., connected my probes, powered Stoker on, came in the house opened the Stoker page via my web browser, set my temps (forgot to rename my food probe see graph doh!), opened Stokerlog, set my alarms and hit start logging. I then watched her come to temp in about 20 minutes, watched the blower action to make sure all was good, took laptop to my bedroom put her on my nightstand and went to sleep. Woke up a couple of times and touched my laptop to wake-up the screen, each time I looked I was sitting at my target temp +/- 1 degree. Reviewed my graph this a.m. and other than a spike at 3:37 a.m. (I love being able to look at that) of 8 degrees which could have been caused by wind my temps have been rock solid!
Knock-on-wood, my wireless adapter, network and Stokerlog (4.2) have preformed flawlessly. I'll be going out later so I'm going to fire-up Ken's program. Didn't have time to setup my port forwarding, next cook.
Also, Based on Bob and Ken's recommendations I went with my 14" clay saucer on this cook.
Thanks to everyone for all their assistance and especially Rock who's customer service was A+! Ribs going on in 2 hours
Wow, based on how my 4th Stoker cook has gone I'm soooooo glad I stuck through my hardware issues. Put a butt on last night around 11:30 p.m., connected my probes, powered Stoker on, came in the house opened the Stoker page via my web browser, set my temps (forgot to rename my food probe see graph doh!), opened Stokerlog, set my alarms and hit start logging. I then watched her come to temp in about 20 minutes, watched the blower action to make sure all was good, took laptop to my bedroom put her on my nightstand and went to sleep. Woke up a couple of times and touched my laptop to wake-up the screen, each time I looked I was sitting at my target temp +/- 1 degree. Reviewed my graph this a.m. and other than a spike at 3:37 a.m. (I love being able to look at that) of 8 degrees which could have been caused by wind my temps have been rock solid!
Knock-on-wood, my wireless adapter, network and Stokerlog (4.2) have preformed flawlessly. I'll be going out later so I'm going to fire-up Ken's program. Didn't have time to setup my port forwarding, next cook.
Also, Based on Bob and Ken's recommendations I went with my 14" clay saucer on this cook.
Thanks to everyone for all their assistance and especially Rock who's customer service was A+! Ribs going on in 2 hours