32 degrees is a fault condition with the probes usually. So I wonder if you had a bad connection to the pit probe or that port is faulty. May want to try moving the pit probe to a different input and see what happens.
In general, the algorithm attempts to smooth out fluctuation as to avoid oscilations. Fancy word
, meaning that any closed loop system like this must allow for some amount of overshoot or undershoot. So seeing the temp go below the target is not unusual. If it lets the fire die, that is bad.
Anyway, I think Ed may be on the right track here with a faulty unit.
Also, I would avoid a wireless router until you get the thing to work reliably. The networking stack is not the most robust in this box and if fed unusual things, it gets unhappy. I had this problem when I tried to attach to it from Japan over my wireless modem (!).
In general, the algorithm attempts to smooth out fluctuation as to avoid oscilations. Fancy word

Anyway, I think Ed may be on the right track here with a faulty unit.
Also, I would avoid a wireless router until you get the thing to work reliably. The networking stack is not the most robust in this box and if fed unusual things, it gets unhappy. I had this problem when I tried to attach to it from Japan over my wireless modem (!).