2nd brisket on the 18.5" WSM....live smoke..


Jason Smart

TVWBB Member
11 pounds of flexible goodness trimmed down from 12.6 lbs.

My first one on the WSM was 7 lbs and turned out really good so I decided to step up the size after ribs last weekend.....although this a about max for the 18.5". I'm not used to limiting size coming from an offset but I am liking the ease of use here.

Anyway...I finished my mods yesterday and did the brisket prep work last night using a buddy's homemade rub. It has a traditional BBQ taste with a slight hit of brown sugar and a nice little bite. Pulled it out this am at 7am to breathe and went to work on the fire.




We have fire.....hickory chunks went on after chimney was done.



Now she's on at 230 for the duration fat side down....starting at 8:30 am....


You're a Smart man Jason!
<span class="ev_code_GREY">sure you've heard that repeatedly</span>
Everything Looks GREAT!
Nice work on your WSM and I hope your brisket cook cruises along perfectly!
Great start Jason and love the mods! I have a few of them you did on mine that I got from this board. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Well i pulled the brisket after 11.5 hours when it hit 185 degrees. I wrapped in foil and a towel and placed in a cooler for an hour. I had a good idea that it might be tender with the probe test.

The very very tip of the flat was a little dry as you can see in the top left piece by itself. The rest was moist and tender but not so over done so that it fell apart.

The smoke ring was not well defined which is odd because I usually get one in my offset. Oh well...it ate good.

The wife and I ate sliced tonight with all the fixings including homemade potato salad. The point was made into chopped beef because we like BBQ sandwiches..... so... I know what we'll be eating on all week.

Here are some pics:

Here we are after an hour in the cooler. I was happy with the bark and it's flavor...


Separated and sliced for the wife and I tonight...


