28 lbs of bone-in butts / Lilly injection / cooking times / serving sizes


Monty House

Loaded my 18.5" with 4 bone-in butts totaling around 28 lbs. (8, 7, 6.5, 6.5). Made a double batch of Chris Lilly's injection solution; injected & applied rub night before--rubbed again the morning of the cook with Dr. BBQ's basic rub. Put 2/3 ring of unlit KBB (with small hickory pieces interspersed) with an almost-full lit chimney atop it. Dry cook with a 14" clay saucer. Cooked all four until high 190's/low 200's--probe tender. One smaller butt done at around 8 hour mark, with the rest going 10 hours. Ran WSM entire time around 245-260 lid.

Fed 20 people. Pulled the 8 lb'er and a 6.5 lb'er to start. Fed the entire group. With 40% shrinkage (bone, fat, water), that's about 9 lbs. finished meat or around 7 oz. per person. After people ate, I pulled the remaining two butts and everyone went home with sandwich fixins for today.

The PP--sorry for no "after" pix--was great. I really like the Lilly injection. Bark was yummy. Served with three sauces: Eastern NC vinegar, Western NC No. 5 style and SC mustard. Love watching people's faces when you offer SC sauce; first a look of suspicion, then delight when they try it. I moved a fair amount of that.

I may have missed "after" pix, but I didn't miss out on today's leftovers' lunch. PP adorned with some SC mustard sauce.


That sandwich looks Delicious ! A big congratulations on an excellent cook !
I see you toast the buns also. Add a nice crunch factor ;)

