I don't want to hijack David's thread, so I'll continue my journey here. I started down this path before I realized David had already done most of it. I design, modify and service laboratory furnaces as part of my job as an instrument tech. I am also a long time WSM user and outdoor cook, so this was inevitable. I'm just starting to figure this out, so I'll update as I go along. Using the element David suggested I was able to reach 226 fairly quickly with an empty cooker. The temp was still rising, but I'm concerned that part of this was radiant heat. No pan in place or heat diffuser. It was about 45 degrees outside though. I'm beginning to think it would be easier to buy an old oven and build a controller for it, but this is more fun. I had to use a Hunsaker vortex plate to support the element. I'll probably put the AMAZN under it for smoke.