2017 Models vs 2022 / 2024 Models?


Jamie Lance

New member
I'm currently in a position to buy a weber bbq, you guys seem like you know your stuff. Im in market for something brand new not retro/used.

So my options are previous generation or newer generation whats pros and cons from anyone who has experience?

Ill attach images. Thankyou 😇


I came within an inch of buying that E-435 before I pivoted to the Searwood XL 600.

I can’t really offer much insight on the Genesis II vs 2022/2024 versions. But, I can say I think the 2024 models seem to be skimping in some places compared to the 2022 models of the Genesis. Also, aesthetically, I think the 2022/2024 is a better looking grill than the Genesis II. And, I like the look of the silver door handles on the 2022 models better than the handles on the 2024 models.

The Weber crafted inserts like the griddle are pretty cool. Not sure they fit the Genesis II models. I figured with the E-435, I could leave the griddle insert in pretty much full time and still have plenty of grilling room.

The E-435 seems to be going out of stock in a lot of places. So, if you’re interested, you may want to snatch it up soon.
That is a tough choice. Over time I have warmed up to the new style, but I still like the real wheels and what I believe is a thicker firebox on the Genesis II.
I think Weber is probably pushing the limit on firebox thickness with these newer grills. They cannot skimp much more without risking serious problems down the road. It already seems like we are seeing more and more nuclear melt down cook boxes than we had with the earlier generations of the Weber grills.
Thankyou for your responses guys highly appreciated, does anybody know if the older style is 7mm or 9mm? Or Is 9mm limited to just the new models?
I am pretty sure that at least some nicer Genesis II grills had the 9mm grates as well. Depends on the model.
I think Weber is probably pushing the limit on firebox thickness with these newer grills. They cannot skimp much more without risking serious problems down the road. It already seems like we are seeing more and more nuclear melt down cook boxes than we had with the earlier generations of the Weber grills.

I am wondering if Weber has gotten to the point of, there are guys rebuilding our grills that are 30 years old... maybe we are over building them? And intentionally skimping them down to get a solid 10-15 year life expectancy. Which, in all reality, compared to other brands is still fairly superior. I would wonder if they built a current day, retro-style grill if it would sell or not?
I can't help but believe that the marching orders now are to build a stylish grill that will make it through the warranty period, not last forever. That really isn't totally unreasonable, and it fits the way almost all grill buyers today operate.

The early Genesis grills from the days when George :george: was still at the helm, were, you could say, overbuilt. It was just more the way things were done back then, especially in a family business. So, we have the ability today to restore these simpler, strongly built, classic Webers. A little like how old 1950s cars can still be restored to like new. I don't think you will see this applied very much to the newest grills of today when we get to 2044! Likewise, I doubt Teslas and other high electronics vehicles of today will be restoration projects of the future in all but a few rare cases.
Well, I just think they are getting a lot more complicated and I really don't think Weber minds it affecting their longevity as long as they still reign above the Chinesium tin cans by a significant amount. But I do think the days of a Weber Genesis lasting twenty plus years is gone. Sure someone will rarely use and meticulously maintain one of the newer grills and it will still be in good shape in 2040, but that will be rare. And Weber doesn't mind customers back in the grill market in 8 or 9 years vs 20 years.
Well, I just think they are getting a lot more complicated and I really don't think Weber minds it affecting their longevity as long as they still reign above the Chinesium tin cans by a significant amount. But I do think the days of a Weber Genesis lasting twenty plus years is gone. Sure someone will rarely use and meticulously maintain one of the newer grills and it will still be in good shape in 2040, but that will be rare. And Weber doesn't mind customers back in the grill market in 8 or 9 years vs 20 years.
Totally agree on all counts. And this trend is not limited to grills. Look at refrigerators today with all kinds of electronic controls, theatre lighting and even video screens🧐! None of them will be around for as long as the vintage old tank fridges that gave GE and Frigidaire their names back when they were still good names.
I just bought a new dryer and it has an APP for it. LOL. Sheeesh.
ME: Yah, the control panel on my dryer went out.
Maytag repairman: No problem, it is probably the control board. I have one in stock. I can be there in the morning.
ME: Great, how much will it cost?
Maytag repairman: $300 for the control board, $100 for labor and $50 service call feel. PLus tax.

Knobs on my old dryer were $10 each and easily replaced by myself.

Get this, the damn thing even has a water hookup??????????? Seems counter productive to have a water hookup on a dryer!
Yep and now ya know a bit of what I am going through in a search for a fridge. Thankfully I am not in a state of "need"...............yet. Old one is still mostly doing it's thing.
I just bought a new dryer and it has an APP for it. LOL. Sheeesh.
ME: Yah, the control panel on my dryer went out.
Maytag repairman: No problem, it is probably the control board. I have one in stock. I can be there in the morning.
ME: Great, how much will it cost?
Maytag repairman: $300 for the control board, $100 for labor and $50 service call feel. PLus tax.

Knobs on my old dryer were $10 each and easily replaced by myself.

Get this, the damn thing even has a water hookup??????????? Seems counter productive to have a water hookup on a dryer!

I got the speed queen washer and dryer. Best money I have spent on an appliance.

